Men are over 50 years old, and it is inevitable that they will gain weight in middle age. How to control their weight and not be greasy? do 5 things

With the development of society, people’s health awareness is getting stronger and stronger, and more and more people realize the importance of weight management. But there are still many people who don’t care about body management, especially men after the age of 50. Middle-aged men always neglect body management, and it is very common to gain weight. But obesity brings more than just unsightly, there are many hazards, and you can’t pretend to be invisible.

Why do men after 50 need to control their weight?

The Lancet published a related data report from a research team led by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The data is the BMI and obesity data in urban and rural China from 2004 to 2018.

Research data found that the BMI index of Chinese adults increased from 22.7 in 2004 to 24.4 in 2018, which was caused by the increase in weight, because there was no significant change in height . Between 2004 and 2018 and 2014, whether in urban or rural areas, whether male or female, the overall weight has increased. Chinese men are the same, with 30~49 years oldaverage BMI and the highest obesity rate span>, so there will be more and more middle-aged obese men after 50 years of age.

Obesity is also a disease, its harm cannot be ignored

One white hides all ugliness, one fat ruins everything. This is the “mantra” of many people who love beauty, especially obesity, which affects our appearance, and it is also a disease that can cause all kinds of harm.

1. Affectslifespan

Research shows that weight The higher the index, the higher the fatality rate, and obesity reduces life expectancy by 6 to 7 years. Long-term shortening of lifespan cannot be ignored.

2. Affectsheart health span>

Obesity directly affects heart function. It affects the systolic function of the heart and increases the risk of heart failure.

3, easy to gethypertension

fat is High-risk factors for high blood pressure, especially middle-aged people, obesity is more dangerous, and the risk of developing high blood pressure is 50% higher than that of people of ordinary weight.

4. Increasecerebrovascularthe incidence of disease

Obesity is closely related to the health of the cerebrovascular system. The more obese people are, the more likely they are to develop arteriosclerosis and form blood clots.

5, easy to getdiabetes span>

The relationship between obesity and diabetes is very close. Obesity is one of the high-risk factors for diabetes, and obese diabetic patients are more prone to complications, which will make diabetes more severe.

6. Easy to getfatty liver

fatty liver This disease is also related to obesity. The vast majority of obese people will have dyslipidemia, which will increase the risk of fatty liver. Not only fatty liver, but the impact of excess visceral fat is great.

After reading these hazards, do you still want to lose weight?

When it comes to the label of middle-aged men, perhaps one of them is to gain weight. Research data also shows that men after the age of 50 are prone to obesity. After reading the dangers of obesity, why don’t you hurry up?

1. Regular weight measurement

Middle-aged men should pay attention to weight monitoring, Know your standard weight. You can regularly measure and record your weight, observe your own weight changes, and take timely measures if there is a recent upward trend.

2. Breakfast cannot be omitted

Breakfast must be eaten. If you always skip breakfast, it will not only affect your gastrointestinal health, it is easy to gain weight. Breakfast opens the door for a day’s metabolism, and eating a rich and nutritious breakfast is conducive to weight control.

3. Eat less for dinner

It’s not like the day, when everyone always needs to work People who study and study will consume a lot of calories. After get off work, after dinner, few people are active, and the calorie consumption is not much. If you eat too much food at night, you will gain weight. So eat less, eat simpler, mainly vegetables, and eat 80% full.

4. Keep exercising p>

If you want to control your weight and lose weight, you can’t do without exercise. You should exercise at all times, as long as your physical condition allows it. You can go to work or run every day after get off work, without wasting time and exercising. When you have time, you can bubble in the gym, do more strength training, increase muscle mass, increase metabolism, and it is also good for weight control.

5. Don’t always socialize

Socializing is the reason why middle-aged men gain weight One, usually done in a restaurant, often eats in a restaurant and is more susceptible to more calories. And drinking itself can make people fat, and the origin of the beer belly is proof. Therefore, we should reduce the entertainment. If you must participate in the entertainment, you should try to eat lightly and drink less.

Message from the doctor

Men after the age of 50 are indeed Obesity is common, but it does not mean that it is normal. Obesity will bring a lot of harm to people, it will affect the health of multiple organs and systems, and it will increase the incidence of many diseases. If you want to get rid of obesity first, you cannot give up body management.

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