(Medical and health) six departments to promote the high-quality development of family doctor contract services

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 15 (Reporter Peng Yunjia) In order to promote the high-quality development of family doctor contract services, the National Health and Health Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the National Medical Insurance Bureau, the National Center for The six departments of the Medical Bureau and the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention jointly issued relevant guidelines a few days ago, clearly expanding the coverage of contracted services in a step-by-step manner, and gradually building a family doctor system with family doctors as the gatekeepers of health.

The opinion proposes that starting from 2022, on the basis of the existing service level, the coverage rate of contracted services for the whole population and key populations will increase by 1 to 3 percentage points every year.

The opinion clearly states that the elderly, pregnant and lying-in women, children, the disabled, people who have been lifted out of poverty, family members with special family planning, and patients with hypertension, diabetes, tuberculosis and severe mental disorders should be the key groups for contracted services, and priority should be given to them. Contract, priority service.

A family doctor can be either a general practitioner, or other types of clinicians (including traditional Chinese medicine) practicing in medical and health institutions, rural doctors and retired clinicians. The guiding opinions encourage all kinds of doctors to provide different forms of contracting services to primary medical and health institutions, actively guide qualified secondary and tertiary hospital physicians to join the team of family doctors, and use primary medical and health institutions as a platform to carry out contracting services.

In terms of enriching service content, specific measures include improving medical service capabilities, improving the quality of basic public health and health management services, ensuring rational drug use, conducting door-to-door services, optimizing referral services, strengthening traditional Chinese medicine services and forming Orderly medical treatment.

The opinion will also promote flexible service agreements, which can be valid for 1 to 3 years. At the same time, it will also strengthen the integration of all-specialty integrated medical care and prevention, and provide “one-stop” all-specialty integrated services for contracted residents; guide tertiary hospitals to adopt the “contracting and slicing” method to promote the sinking of high-quality medical resources; promote “Internet + contracting” service” etc.

In addition, the opinion clarifies that the contracted service fee is shared by the medical insurance fund, basic public health service funds and contracted residents. (End)