Many places in Changsha, Hunan have been adjusted to medium-risk areas

This article is reproduced from [CCTV News Client];

According to the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Prevention and Control Headquarters in Furong District, Changsha City, on March 21, a confirmed case was found in Furong District during nucleic acid testing. According to the situation of epidemic prevention and control, in order to effectively block the risk of spread of the epidemic, after evaluation by experts, the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Prevention and Control Headquarters in Furong District, Changsha City has decided: From March 21, 2022, Jiucaiyuan Street will be closed. The whole hospital at No. 2 Dujiayuan Lane and No. 351 Wuyi Avenue, Wenyi Road Street, are identified as medium-risk areas.

People who have been to the above-mentioned medium-risk areas since March 16 (inclusive) and who have been accompanied by confirmed cases in time and space must quickly go to the local community to make a health declaration, and do self-protection and isolation. If you have symptoms such as fever, cough, diarrhea, fatigue, etc., you should wear a disposable medical mask or above, go to the nearest fever clinic for inspection and diagnosis in a timely manner, and cooperate with all the prevention and control measures of the local epidemic prevention and control headquarters.