Many people are still doing these eye-injuring behaviors! One a day, “add food” to the eyes, bright eyes!

In modern society, many people stare at mobile phones and computers for a whole day. After a long time, their eyes are sore, dry and tearful, their vision becomes blurred, photophobia, and dark shadows appear in front of their eyes…

You think it’s “dark eyes”? That might be a big delay! Because of these conditions, it may indicate that there is a problem with the macular area of ​​the fundus of your eyes.

The macular area is the area that is mapped on the retina when the eye looks directly at an object. It collects a large amount of visual information and is a very sensitive and important part of vision.

If the intensity of the light, the duration of the light, etc. exceed its tolerance, especially blue light, the damage to the eyes is not small.

The excessive use of electronic products such as mobile phones, tablets, and computers, and the improper use of fluorescent lamps and LED lamps will release a large amount of blue light, which will stimulate the eyes for a long time. After a long time, it is not only prone to eye swelling, eye pain, dry eyes, blurred vision, etc., but also irreversible eye damage!

▲Simulated field of view

In general, our eyes can continue to be damaged every day due to a variety of factors.

But there are still many people who wonder why they still have problems with their eyes because they haven’t played with electronic devices for a long time, and their daily routine is very regular.

Largely because the eyes are not getting enough nutrients to support them to work properly.

However, our human body cannot synthesize lutein, and with the increase of age and the stimulation of external factors, lutein will gradually lose.

When our diet is unbalanced and nutrient intake is insufficient, the self-protection mechanism of the eyes will be destroyed. Therefore, it is very important to supplement lutein through dietary supplements in time. But many people may not be getting enough of this nutrient…

Therefore, whether it is a child who needs to read and learn with their eyes a lot every day, an office worker who needs to face a computer or mobile phone for a long time, or an elderly person whose eyesight is declining and whose eyesight is not as good as a year, they are unable to achieve nutrition. In a balanced situation, you can actually consider supplementing lutein.

(I am the official WeChat account of a big doctor)