Many hospitals appealed: Stewed ribs with it may “empty” your kidneys, tell your family, and throw it away as soon as possible

Real case: Wang Hao (pseudonym), 35 years old this year, originally ran a milk tea shop, but due to the epidemic, the rent of the shop continued to rise, and the competition among peers was also very fierce. The milk tea shop has been in a state of making ends meet for a long time, in order to avoid increasing losses , Wang Hao eventually transferred the store. I found a job as a takeaway again myself. Because he had been in touch with the food delivery industry when he usually opened a store, he started working quickly. In less than a week, he was basically familiar with all the business and started taking orders for food delivery. In order to increase his order intake, Wang Hao worked from morning to night every day, and sometimes he did not get off work at two or three in the morning. Fortunately, there will always be a return for paying, and you can earn a lot of money after running for a month.

However, since last year, Wang Hao always felt that something was wrong with his body. It was caused by the fact that I ran around every day and didn’t have a good rest, and I didn’t pay attention to it. But after a period of time, Wang Hao found that the discomfort on his body not only did not relieve, but also became more serious. Now, not only the calf and feet are obviously swollen, but the joints in the whole body are also starting to become red and swollen. Every night when he rests, there is always a tear-like pain in the joints, and the painful Wang Hao can’t sleep. Sleep. Later, as the swelling and deformation of the joints became more and more serious, it became inconvenient for him to even get up and move. At this time, Wang Hao, who realized the seriousness of the matter, hurried to the hospital for examination.

What he didn’t expect was that this examination found that the uric acid in his body was seriously exceeding the standard, and the value had reached 967μmol/L, a large amount of uric acid. Salt crystals precipitated in his joints and kidneys, which not only caused an acute attack of gout, but also severely damaged kidney function, and was eventually diagnosed with kidney failure. Wang Hao, who learned the news, was shocked. He didn’t understand why he was so young to suffer from this disease?

Many hospitals appealed: Stewed ribs with it may “empty out” your kidneys, tell your family and throw them away as soon as possible strong>

During the treatment, the doctor conducted a detailed investigation of Wang Hao’s cause, only to find that the culprit that caused his illness was hidden in his daily diet.

It turns out that Wang Hao usually works very hard. In order to supplement his body with nutrients, he often goes to the market to buy some spare ribs and stew them back. In order to enhance the umami of the pork ribs, he will also put a lot of dried shiitake mushrooms sent from his hometown to stew together. However, what he didn’t know was that although shiitake mushrooms were delicious, they were the proper “king of sour raising”. Mushrooms are one of the high-purine foods. Excessive daily intake will cause purines to aggregate and convert into uric acid in the body, resulting in a sharp rise in uric acid and accelerating the damage of uric acid to joints and kidney tissue. The doctor reminds: people like Wang Hao who have unstable uric acid in their body must reduce the intake of such foods in their daily diet, so as to avoid excessive uric acid and then lead to aggravation of lesions.

There are these kinds of abnormalities on the body, most of which are uric acid “running around”, need to be vigilant

Fatigue and lack of energy;

Loss of appetite and inability to eat;

Frequent insomnia, worsening dark circles under eyes;

Dry mouth and bad breath ;

Reduced frequency of urination and foamy urine;

Joint stiffness, deformation, redness and swelling;

Low back pain, uncontrolled hands and feet;

Elevated blood sugar and anemia.

If you want uric acid to be “obedient”, you can do this every day