Man’s hand hurt by acupuncture and moxibustion caused infection, doctor scraped bone to cure poison

Changjiang Daily Wuhan Client, February 25th (Communications Jingtong Yang Hong) Recently, 32-year-old Mr. Zhang couldn’t twist the towel after washing his face because of the pain in his right hand. He wanted to tie it a few times. Acupuncture and moxibustion relieve pain, but after a few needles, it will lead to infection, and the infection will reach the tendon and periosteum of the fingers.

“Recently, I always feel pain in my right index finger, and cramps at every turn.” Mr. Zhang, who lives in Qiaokou, said that half a month ago, he suspected that he had tenosynovitis in his finger, and he thought it would be the same as before. , you will be fine after a few days of rest. But Mr. Zhang’s mother saw that her son’s fingers were so painful that he couldn’t twist the towel, so he took him to an acupuncture and massage clinic recommended by the neighbors for treatment. Under the strong suggestion of his mother, Mr. Zhang decided to take acupuncture treatment.

Mr. Zhang, who received the needle for the first time, not only did not feel relief from the pain in his fingers after returning home, but on the contrary, the joint of the index finger of his right hand was always red and swollen. Mr. Zhang thought that it would be relieved by resting for a few days, so he carried it for a week. On February 23, Mr. Zhang couldn’t hold it any longer. His right index finger was not only swollen as thick as a radish, but also painful when touched, so he came to Wuhan Fourth Hospital’s Hand Surgery Clinic for treatment.

Mr. Zhang’s hand was obviously red and swollen.

The doctor’s examination found that Mr. Zhang’s right index finger was significantly swollen, the local skin temperature was also significantly increased, and his limbs were limited. The initial diagnosis was a right index finger tendon sheath abscess, which required debridement and abscess drainage.

“A large amount of purulent necrotic secretions can be seen in the subcutaneous and tendon sheaths during the operation, and the lesions have affected the entire index finger and palm.” Wu Mingzheng, the attending physician of Mr. Zhang, introduced that during the operation, The flexor tendons of the fingers are infected and necrotic, and even the periosteum of the phalanx is partially infected. During surgical debridement, not only the necrotic tissue should be cleaned, the tendon should be repaired, but also the periosteum infected by the phalangeal bone should be cleaned by “scraping the bone to treat poison”.

Experts said that during acupuncture, if the local disinfection is not in place, or the needles used for acupuncture are not sterilized, the bacteria may enter the tissue, which may cause local soft tissue infection. , The patient failed to seek medical attention in time, resulting in the spread of local infection and injury to the tendon and periosteum.

Yan Li, director of the Second Department of Hand Surgery, Wuhan Fourth Hospital, reminded that in clinical practice, hand infections caused by small wounds like Mr. Zhang are very common, because the wounds are not treated in time and correctly , bacteria and other sources of infection are likely to take advantage of the situation. Although acupuncture and moxibustion is currently being used more and more widely, the level of operators varies, and irregular operations will not only fail to cure, but will cause harm. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a formal professional health care institution in order to maximize the guarantee of health.

[Editor: Yu Lina]