Man was bitten by mosquito in ICU! Is it that poisonous?

Summer is always the peak of mosquito activity

I believe many citizens have experienced

The experience of being bitten by mosquitoes


Mr. Zhang from Li County, Changde City, Hunan Province

I was bitten by a mosquito and entered the ICU

Mr. Zhang from Changde, Hunan said he was bitten by mosquitoes on his legs more than a dozen times while fishing

He scratched it and didn’t care

Unexpectedly, the legs were swollen and painful, and the fever continued to be high

Diagnosed with sepsis and sent to ICU

It is reported

Sepsis is caused by bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms invading the body

Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome

High incidence and high mortality

Doctor Analysis

Maybe due to Mr. Zhang’s diabetes, his immunity is low

And the mosquitoes that bit him were poisonous

So trigger a strong reaction

Now Mr. Zhang has recovered

My search found

It is not uncommon to be hospitalized by mosquito bites

July 14

Changsha 1.5-year-old girl digs the mosquito bag

Three or four days of high fever in a row

The right leg is swollen into a “pig’s trotter”

Doctor reminder

Severely can cause systemic infection


The bigger the mosquito pack, the more toxic it is? is that true?

After being bitten by mosquitoes, the size of the mosquito pack on the body is closely related to the strength of the individual’s immune system mechanism, and has nothing to do with the toxicity of mosquitoes. For people with strong immune systems, they can be unscathed after being bitten, but most people will have physical reactions, mild bulging mosquito bags, and obvious itching, skin lesions manifested as erythema, papules, wheals and other symptoms . For people with weak immune systems, especially those with sensitive constitutions, after being sucked in blood, a large amount of histamine and cytokines will be released, followed by blisters, plaques, petechiae, swelling and pain, etc. If the reaction is severe, it will take a long time for complete relief. In addition, scratching can increase the release of the organic nitrogen-containing compound histamine, which can cause tissue damage or cause inflammation, resulting in local tissue edema. When you feel itching, you can apply peppermint ointment and toilet water to relieve it instead of scratching.

Are mosquito bites related to blood type?

Mosquitoes are extremely sensitive to factors such as CO2, heat, and volatile chemicals. Their sense of smell can quickly detect and accurately locate these substances, and the secretion of these substances is closely related to personal metabolism, such as body metabolites urea and lactic acid. , fatty acids, etc., so when you have high CO2 emissions, frequent sweat secretion, and strong body metabolism, you are more likely to be favored by mosquitoes. Mosquitoes mainly identify and find blood-sucking objects through the smell in the air, so whether or not to attract mosquitoes is not directly related to blood type. Remind everyone to be careful about mosquito bites and seek medical attention if they feel unwell

(Xiaoxiang Morning News, People’s Daily Online, Mango City, Popular Science China)