Man madly eats sugar cane, sugar and tangerine, causing insanity, doctor reminds: eat fruit in moderation

According to Guangdong Radio and Television Electric Shock News: Recently, a man in Huizhou City, Guangdong Province suffered from irritability, gibberish, and even delirium after eating 2-3 kilograms of sugar cane and sugar oranges every day for a week. .

The medical staff said that when the man was placed on the hospital bed, he could not communicate normally. Regarding the instructions given by the medical staff Unable to cooperate, uncontrollable urination.

After communicating with the family, the doctor found that the man had obvious symptoms of dry mouth and polydipsia before admission, which coincided with the season. Eating a lot of sugar cane and fruits with high sugar content, and not consuming enough water, leads to the body in a hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state.

Fortunately, due to timely treatment, the man is no longer in serious condition.

The doctor reminds: “You should pay attention to the type and quantity of fruits you eat daily, especially for people with a history of diabetes. High sugar The mortality rate of hyperosmolar state is very high, if not treated in time, the disease will worsen and cause multiple organ failure.”

[Source: Jiupai News Comprehensive Electric Shock News]< /p>

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