Man dies suddenly after suffering shoulder pain for a week Doctor’s advice: This kind of shoulder pain, or the internal organs are crying for help

40-year-old Mr. Zhang complained to his family about himself two weeks agoleft shoulder pain , I thought it was due to cervical spondylosis. I didn’t pay much attention to it. I went to a nearby massage shop for a massage to save trouble. I thought there was no major problem, so I went on a business trip. In the afternoon a few days after the business trip, Mr. Zhang, who was busy, suddenly collapsed to the ground and lost his consciousness. The people around him sent him to the hospital and died.

The doctor in charge said the patient’s sudden death was most likely related to a myocardial infarction, and occurred before the incident The transient pain is atypical symptoms of myocardial infarction.

Simple shoulder pain can have such serious consequences, this example deserves attention, Such an everyday shoulder What does pain indicate?

First, shoulder pain = frozen shoulder? It is very likely to be related to these diseases

In daily life, as long as shoulder pain occurs, most people will think it is Periarthritis of the shoulderOr from overwork. In fact, this is not the case, the doctor told us: Shoulder pain is an early symptom of many diseases! In addition to shoulder pain in frozen shoulder, the disease may also cause shoulder pain in other parts of the body.

Therefore, the etiology of shoulder pain is very complex and cannot be treated with simple frozen shoulder. The following pathologies can also cause shoulder pain.

1. Frozen shoulder

First, frozen shoulder shoulder pain. Frozen shoulder, also known as periarthritis of the shoulder, mainly presents with aggravating pain in the shoulder, which is more painful at night. And in daily life, the pain in the shoulder will gradually increase, and the movement of the shoulder joint will be limited.

Periarthritis of the shoulder is more common in middle-aged and elderly people, especially manual workers. It is worth noting that if there is no effective treatment, it may seriously affect the functional activities of the shoulder joint. Common causes of frozen shoulder include long-term overactivity and poor posture. When people do some high-intensity exercise in the shoulder joint for a long time, the shoulder joint will be damaged, and even the tissues around the joint will become inflamed and aggravated.

2, angina or myocardial infarction

Survey data show that in recent years, the incidence of angina pectoris and myocardial infarction The rate is increasing year by year, and it has become a high incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in my country. However, the early pain manifestations of these diseases are not typical. Cardiologists point out: Not all myocardial infarction and angina pectoris will have precordial squeezing pain or chest pain, and a small number will be present. of patients first developed pain in the shoulders, teeth, and jaw. This makes people unable to detect their own heart disease in time.

Therefore, if people at high risk of cardiovascular disease have unexplained shoulder pain, they should go to the hospital for examination in time to further confirm whether the condition has deteriorated.

3. Tophi

When the body has too much uric acid, it can cause high Uric acid. Moreover, when the uric acid in the body is in a high saturation state for a long time, crystals can be precipitated, and these crystals will be deposited in various joints of the body, and shoulder joints are naturally inevitable, which can also cause shoulder joint pain. Usually the tophi starts out small but hard, and gradually becomes longer and more painful.

4. Liver or gallbladder disease

The liver and gallbladder are located in the abdomen of the human body On the right, the liver can secrete bile, and the main function of bile after entering the gallbladder is to digest fat. If excessive intake of high protein andFoods high in fat will exceed the ability of bile to digest fat. Excessive accumulation of fat will affect the operation of the digestive system, resulting in soreness on the right side of the human abdomen.

And pain from the gallbladder can radiate to the shoulder, causing shoulder pain, so when shoulder pain occurs It is also necessary to investigate whether it is a gallbladder problem.

5. Rotator Cuff Injury

The rotator cuff is a complex of tendons that wrap around the humeral head The movement of these tendons maintains the internal rotation, external rotation, and lift activities of the human joint. But more importantly, these tendons stabilize the humeral head on the glenoid and play an extremely important role in maintaining the stability and mobility of the shoulder joint.

When the shoulder joint of the human body is impacted, overstrained or degenerated, the rotator cuff muscles will be torn, causing damage to the rotator cuff muscles. When the human body moves the shoulder joint, it will cause severe pain due to the damaged rotator cuff muscles, which will limit the daily activities of the shoulder joint.

Notably: Older adults are a common population for rotator cuff injuries. Older adults who regularly haul heavy objects are more likely to develop rotator cuff injuries than other groups.

6. Subacromial impingement syndrome

When the human body has shoulder joint degeneration or shoulder Congenital dysplasia of the acromion will lead to bone impingement of the acromion and humerus of the human body during daily exercise, and long-term impingement will cause shoulder joint impingement. > Sterile inflammation. When the human body moves, there will be pain on the front and outside of the inflamed joint, and when the arm is doing the outward extension, it will be hindered to a certain extent.

7. Subacromial bursitis

The shoulder joint of the human body is the range of motion of the human body largest joint. And it serves as the connection between the upper limbs and the trunk, because the function of the bursa can move freely.

The bursa is mainly located in the space below the acromion and the femoral head, and the synovial fluid in it plays the role of lubricating and buffering the movement of the shoulder joint. However, too much synovial fluid in the human bursa, or bursa is squeezed by trauma, will cause bursa aseptic inflammation, resulting in movement outside the shoulder joint Sometimes there is some pain.

8. Cervical spondylosis

Cervical spondylosis can be divided into various types, of which Cervical radiculopathy can cause shoulder pain, especially when the fifth nerve in the human neck is damaged, causing a significant tingling sensation in the shoulder area, as if carrying a heavy load. And when the cervical spondylosis is severe, the arm on the outer edge of the shoulder will also have obvious pain.

9. Biceps Tenosynovitis

The biceps is on the front of the upper arm , the overall muscle is fusiform. Biceps tenosynovitis is also a common cause of shoulder pain, a chronic disease of the soft tissue.

The biceps tendon is prone to wear when the upper extremity is extended or flexed. Long-term friction or overactivity can cause< strong>The tendon sheath is congested, edema and thickened, resulting in chronic injury and inflammation of the tendon sheath, which leads to the malfunction of the long head tendon of the biceps brachii in the sliding function of the tendon sheath, resulting in symptoms of pain.

The above diseases are very common in life. As the middle-aged and elderly people are prone to shoulder and neck pain, they will inevitably have doubts. Will shoulder pain progress to cancer?

Two, shoulder pain, maybe lung cancer? How to distinguish?

Doctors stress: Unusual shoulder and back pain may be a sign of cancer.

For cancer, typical symptoms can prompt patients, such as cough and chest tightness in lung cancer. However, many cancers can also cause shoulder and back pain in patients, and due to the low awareness of the disease, it is difficult to distinguishIn many cases, the opportunity for early treatment is missed, so that most of them are in the middle and late stages of cancer when they go to the hospital.

Therefore, when the body has unexplained pain, be sure to go to the hospital to find out the cause in time and rule out the risk of cancer!

For example, it is difficult to associate lung cancer with shoulder and back pain in the general public perception, in fact, when lung cancer< /strong>When the patient enters the middle and late stage, the cancer cells will metastasize to the bone and spread, metastasis to the joint can cause joint pain.

Because lung cancer pain is not specific, it is often confused. At the same time, pancreatic cancer can also cause shoulder pain. A lot of nerve tissue is distributed around the pancreas, and the pancreatic capsule is too thin, so when the pancreas becomes cancerous, these nerve tissue will Pain symptoms occur.

And according to doctors, the most common symptoms of pancreatic cancer patients are abdominal pain, accompanied by low back pain.

In addition, there is not much pain nerve distribution around the liver, which can cause shoulder damage when liver cancer cancer cells spread to the diaphragm. And this kind of pain is very similar to ordinary shoulder and back pain, which can make patients feel that it is frozen shoulder, which is often overlooked, so that patients often realize the disease at an advanced stage.

So how do we differentiate between ordinary shoulder pain and cancer-related pain? The oncologist summarizes these two points:

1. It is difficult to describe the pain of the tumor, and it will be accompanied by numbness.

2. The pain of the tumor is not obvious during the day, but will increase at night, and when the human body falls asleep, no matter what It is difficult to fall asleep in the posture, and patients with tumors will feel more comfortable sleeping on their stomach or kneeling than lying down.

Summary: When the above situations occur, you cannot simply feel that you have shoulder pain, and long-term frozen shoulder should go to the hospital for relevant examinations to confirm the diagnosis. illness.

Third, regular practice of these movements can effectively relieve neck and shoulder pain!

Shoulder pain can be severe or minor, ranging from frozen shoulder to cancer, but it often causes greater damage to the body, so we can Do more movements in daily life to maintain the health of the neck and shoulders, and these movements can be practiced.

1. Climb the wall with one hand while standing

Face the wall and lift with one hand each time When the arm touches the wall to do the hand stretching action, when the hand touches the highest point, it can be maintained for 3 to 5 minutes, which can effectively improve the forward flexion of the limbs.

2. Climb the wall with one hand while standing on the side

Stand sideways in front of the wall, Climbing the wall with the index and middle fingers along the wall, when the highest point of the fingers is maintained for 3 to 5 minutes, can improve the abduction of the limbs.

3. Standing backhand squat

Using all objects at hand that can support balance, Stand in front of the object, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, and slowly squat down while supporting the object with both hands. When squatting to the lowest position, hold for 3 minutes to improve the extension of the body.

4. Side raises

Hold some weights from your hand, with your legs hip-width apart Stand, hold a heavy object in each hand, hang down naturally at your sides, palms facing each other, and then lift the object with your arms to the sides. Raise your hands to shoulder level and slowly lower them down,

Note: Do not shrug your shoulders as you lift.

5. Swing the hands down and do the exercise

This action is the neck One of the shoulder stretching exercises for shoulder painIn the early stage of patients, the arms on both sides sag naturally. The swing of the body is used to drive the arms on both sides to swing rhythmically, front and rear, left and right, and can do clockwise and counterclockwise circle activities. The range of motion can be increased from small to skilled. After a certain degree, you can tie a sandbag and load it, and the effect is better.


As you can see, shoulder pain is no small problem. Do not think that it is frozen shoulder and take drugs or plaster indiscriminately. Shoulder pain persists for a long time or tends to aggravate, etc., you should go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination as soon as possible, so as not to delay the treatment and miss the golden treatment period.

In daily life, more exercises should be performed to protect the shoulder joint and reduce pain.