Man blows his nose after bruising his eyes, causing his eyes to swell like buns

Changjiang Daily Wuhan Client July 27th (Reporter Tang Zhifeng Correspondent Yu Ying) On July 25th, Master Li slipped his feet while going out and hit a parked vehicle with his eyes. Painful eyes. After blowing his nose, his eyes kept swollen like air, so swollen that he couldn’t open them. So he hurried to Wuhan Aige Eye Hospital for medical treatment. After receiving the consultation, the doctor said that his orbit was slightly fractured, and the condition was aggravated by blowing his nose.

“After hitting my eyes, I felt something dripping from my nose. I blew it subconsciously. After a while, my eyes were so swollen that I couldn’t open them.” Dr. Xiong Shibo from the Department of Lacrimal and Orbital Oncology at the hospital told about his injuries and symptoms.

Through relevant imaging examinations, Xiong Shibo diagnosed Mr. Li with a minor fracture of his right eye (not up to the standard of surgery) and gas accumulation in the eyelid. After a clear diagnosis, Xiong Shibo took conservative treatment for Master Li to help his right eye activate blood and remove blood stasis, promote gas absorption, and slowly restore normal vision.

Dr. Xiong Shibo is patiently explaining the patient’s condition. Photo by correspondent Yu Ying

Xiong Shibo said that after the eye is fractured, the eye socket and nose are “opened”. Orbital, not only can cause gas in the eyelid, but also may cause nasal bacteria to run into the orbit, causing infection.

“Eyeball trauma can cause redness, swelling and congestion of the eyelid and subconjunctival hemorrhage. In this case, the bleeding will be absorbed by itself and will not affect vision.” Xiong Shibo said that if the eyeball is seriously injured, it will cause intraocular hemorrhage. , retinal damage, etc., or even rupture of the eyeball, resulting in permanent visual impairment. There are also some blunt traumas that do not damage the eyeball, but can cause orbital fractures, which are not obvious in the early stage, and later appear changes such as double vision and sunken eyeball position.

He reminded that once the orbit is injured, do not blow your nose, and go to the hospital for orbital CT examination as soon as possible, because the orbital wall fracture caused by such trauma is easy to miss.

[Editor: Yu Lina]

[Source: Changjiang Daily – Changjiang Net]