Make up for the shortcomings of facilities and meet the needs of livability

Source: People’s Daily

Nanjing, April 11 (Reporter Bai Guangdi) In order to do a good job in urban work in the new development stage, comprehensively improve the quality of urban development, and continuously meet the people’s desire for a better life Yearning, recently, Jiangsu Province issued the “Guiding Opinions on Implementing Urban Renewal Actions”. The opinions call for focusing on the outstanding problems and shortcomings in urban construction, speeding up the transformation of urban development and construction methods, further optimizing the stock, improving the quality, and improving the structure, adhere to the road of intensive, green and low-carbon development, and strive to create a better urban living environment. environment. The opinion clarifies the key tasks for implementing urban renewal.

Implement the existing building safety hidden danger elimination project. Strengthen the investigation and rectification of potential safety hazards in urban and densely populated places, schools and other public buildings and old buildings, and strengthen the safety inspection of dilapidated and old buildings in cities, focusing on the safety of long-term construction, low construction standards, serious disrepair and disrepair, and other factors. The houses with hidden dangers will be checked in a centralized manner, and the crisis relief work will be done solidly.

Implementation of municipal infrastructure to make up for shortcomings. Continue to carry out the renewal and reconstruction of urban gas pipelines and other pipeline networks, and improve the quality and efficiency of urban sewage treatment. Coordinate flood control and drainage work, systematically promote the construction of sponge cities in the whole region and the improvement of areas prone to flooding and waterlogging. Promote the construction of urban lifeline safety projects, establish systems and mechanisms for risk monitoring, analysis and early warning, and joint disposal of urban water, electricity, gas, bridges, integrated pipe corridors, and underground transportation facilities, and improve urban comprehensive disaster prevention and mitigation capabilities.

The implementation of historical and cultural protection and inheritance projects. Adhere to the preservation of what should be preserved, promote preservation by use, revitalize and utilize historical buildings, industrial heritage, etc., adopt a small-scale, progressive organic renewal method, on the basis of maintaining the original appearance and typical components, through additions, reconstructions and additions The way of facilities is adapted to the needs of modern production and life, creating a high-quality place and cultural space. “People’s Daily” (13 edition on April 12, 2022)