Lymph node nucleus, goiter, breast hyperplasia? try this herbal medicine


Spring has always been a sickly season.

Why? It’s not because the liver is unclogged in spring, and the liver qi is about to rise again.

If the hair is not good, there will be various symptoms.

Because of today’s people, few liver qi are smooth, and all kinds of stagnation, the most common ones are thyroid and breast problems. Because these diseases all occur in the route of the Liver Meridian, if the Liver Qi is not comfortable, blockage will occur.

Since it is liver qi stagnation Yes, of course to soothe the liver. But if tuberculosis and lumps have already formed, it is necessary to resolve phlegm and disperse knots.

The Chinese patent medicine that I want to introduce to you today can complete the above two steps at the same time, in one step.

This medicine is called Prunella vulgaris ointment.

And this medicine is very special. As the name suggests, the only ingredient is Prunella vulgaris.

Prunella vulgaris is bitter in taste and cold in nature. Return to the liver and gallbladder meridians.

It has the effect of clearing the liver and purging fire, improving eyesight, dispersing knots and reducing swelling. It is commonly used in the treatment of red eyes, swelling and pain, night pain in the eyeballs, headache, dizziness, scrofula, gall tumors, mammary carbuncle, breast addiction, breast tenderness and other symptoms.

The Prunella vulgaris ointment made from Prunella vulgaris is mainly adapted to the symptoms of headache, dizziness, scrofula, goiter, mammary carbuncle, swelling and pain of goiter, lymph node , breast hyperplasia, etc.

The main point of the syndrome differentiation is that the tongue is red, the pulse is strong, and there is a real fire syndrome.

I thought of introducing this medicine because a friend of mine asked me a while ago how to treat her Breast hyperplasia.

If it’s just hyperplasia, the most important thing is that every time she comes to her period, her breasts will swell and hurt. It’s hard and painful, you can’t touch it.

I recommended her to use Prunella vulgaris ointment. She was skeptical at first and felt that she must drink some soup. But I didn’t expect to take this medicine, and the effect is also very good. After only a few days of taking it, the pain in the breasts has been greatly relieved.

So don’t underestimate the Chinese patent medicine, the effect is as good as the right one.

Especially for lumps. Because the lump is actually a lump of qi stagnation there, as long as the qi is smooth and the stagnation is resolved, it will naturally not be painful, because the general rule is not painful.

For acute lymph node nuclei, the treatment effect is also very obvious, especially for children with swollen lymph nodes caused by cold and fever, can be used for reference.

However, if tuberculosis, scrofula, and galls are formed over time, then only using Prunella vulgaris paste will not take effect so quickly, because the formation of phlegm cores is not a one-day effort, and if you want to disperse, More time is needed. If there is still blood stasis, then other drugs need to be added.

I will introduce another Chinese patent medicine to you later. It is effective for all lumps in the body. Our Chinese patent medicine is not for idle meals.

Look at you.

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