Lung cancer in my country shows a trend of multiple occurrences. What can be done to improve the quality of life of patients?

Every yearFebruary 4thDoes anyone know what day it is? span>

Probably most people are confused, it’s neither a holiday nor someone’s birthday. What’s so special?

This is truly a special day for cancer patients. It’s World Cancer Day. The establishment of this festival is to hope that people all over the world will pay attention to cancer and overcome cancer. It entrusts the best wishes and infinite expectations of countless medical workers.

Based onWorld Cancer Report. In 2012, the number of cancer cases in China was 3.065 million, accounting for one-fifth of the global cancer incidence. The death toll was 2.205 million, accounting for a quarter of all cancer deaths worldwide. The numbers are staggering, among which lung cancerranks among the top cancer deaths in our country .

How many lung cancer patients in China, what is lung cancer?

The National Health and Family Planning Commission of China was unable to issue the “Report on Nutrition and Chronic Diseases of Chinese Residents”. This report shows that the incidence of cancer in my country has been on the rise in the past ten years.lung cancer span>Top cancer in menfirst incidence, and the number of deaths from lung cancer is increasing.

The lung cancer mentioned here is a primary lung cancer, the main lesions are in the lungs. It is a tumor disease with a high mortality rate.

The high incidence of lung cancer is mainly related to our countrysmokersIncrease. Medical research has shown that smoking is one of the main causes of cancermain causes. Thousands of harmful substances such as nicotine in tobacco can enter us through breathing lung organs. Long-term smokers have a higher risk of cancer than non-smokers.

my country has a large number of smokers, and the number of people suffering from lung cancer due to smoking is also increasing year by year. At present, the medical level is not enough to overcome the difficulty of lung cancer. For many advanced diseases, we can only take some extreme treatment methods, which often have great side effects, and many patients cannot bear such pain. So, what are the modern treatments?

There are many treatments for lung cancer, but they are all “double-edged swords” , both pros and cons

surgery, but can lead to impaired lung function

Surgery is also the treatment of choice for many lung cancer patients. Its side effects can be said to be minimal. Surgical treatment removal of lung cancerous tissueand surrounding organs and tissues that may be infected by cancer cell metastasis. This can stop the cancer cells from continuing to deteriorate. This approach may work for some patients with early-stage lung cancer, but only delaytheir lives for those with advanced stages.

and because the lung was removed, whether it healed or not. After the operation, the lung function of the person will be permanently damaged. If the resection area is too large, it will not be able to leave the oxygen mask to provide oxygen.

Chemotherapy for lung cancer affects immune function

< strong>ChemoYesPrimary treatment for patients with advanced lung cancer. At this point, the cancer cells have spread throughout the body and cannot be treated by surgical removal. Only the method of chemotherapy is selected.

Chemotherapy is a way of killing cancer cells by chemically synthesizing agents. This agent is very toxic, killing all cells it encounters indiscriminately. , the treatment of self-loss two thousand.

This treatment methodhas a very low cure rate, only extends the length of the patient’s life. And because the immune cells are killed in large numbers, the patient will also be in extreme pain. Many cancer patients gradually lose the courage to survive after chemotherapy.

For patients with advanced lung cancer, either chemotherapy or surgery. They can only prolong their lives and cannot cure them. And the cost of this life is the patientendless sufferingand enormous financial pressure. A few chemotherapy treatments can depletea family’s decades of savingssaving< /strong>.

Lung cancer treatment often has certain side effects. What can be done to improve the quality of life of patients?

Not limited to surgery and chemotherapy, use a variety of methods to improve the treatment effect

When we talked about cancer in the past, it was basically surgery and chemotherapy. However, with the advancement of medical technology, targeted drugs, immunotherapy and other methods have gradually matured. And the side effects of the treatment are relatively small. Choosing the treatment method that suits you and cooperating with the doctor can reduce the pain of the patient and improve the survival rate.

Diversified diet to improve quality of life

Many patients eat less because of the treatment and their appetite is not very good. This is not acceptable. To eat or to eat. It is best for the patient’s family to learn more about diet, and make the meal to make it appear more appetizing, so as to improve the patient’s appetite. The patient’s diet should be diversified, including meat, eggs, vegetables, etc. But eat less unhealthy foods such as fried, smoked, high-sugar and high-salt.

Accompany more relatives and pay attention to patients’ emotions

< span>The psychological condition of cancer patients also needs attention. Everyone knows the influence of emotions on the treatment of diseases, and the help of family members is essential for patients to have a good mood. As a family member, you can chat more with the patient, talk about the parents’ troubles, talk about entertainment, and help the patient transfer their emotions. When you see a patient in a low mood, you can take him out for a walk, divert his attention, get more sunlight, or let him watch entertainment videos, so as not to let his negative emotions spread, it is helpful for the condition.

Lung cancer, as a high-incidence cancer, is difficult to treat, and the five-year survival rate of advanced lung cancer is not ideal. To this end, it is recommended that everyone smoke less, actively improve their own immunity, and regularly check people at high risk of lung cancer to reduce the risk of lung cancer.


1. Lung cancer help! Lung cancer treatment Don’t go to a dead end · China Net · 2016.12.7

2. The cure rate of lung cancer in China is only 30%, experts call for strengthening early diagnosis and early treatment · Xinhua Net · 2015.12.30


3. The son suffers from uremia, and the father finds out lung cancer. Both of them said: I gave up treatment·Jiangsu News·2019.7.10