Lung cancer, cervical cancer, thyroid cancer… 21 cancer diagnosis and treatment guidelines have been updated

Recently, the National Health and Health Commission issued the guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of tumors and blood diseases related diseases (2022 edition), involving 21 diseases such as primary lung cancer and gastric cancer.

“Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Primary Lung Cancer (2022 Edition)” clarifies that lung cancer screening in high-risk groups is beneficial to detect early lung cancer and improve the survival rate of lung cancer patients. The sensitivity of low-dose spiral CT to detect early lung cancer is 4 to 10 times that of conventional chest X-ray. According to the International Action Plan for Early Lung Cancer, annual screening of low-dose spiral CT can detect 85% of stage I peripheral lung cancer, and the 10-year expected survival rate of patients after surgery is 92%.

“Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Gastric Cancer (2022 Edition)” pointed out that according to the latest data in 2020, the incidence and mortality of gastric cancer in China ranked third among various malignant tumors. There are about 1.2 million new gastric cancer cases in the world every year, and China accounts for about 40%. The proportion of early gastric cancer in my country is very low, only about 20%. Most of the patients are in the advanced stage when they are discovered, and the overall 5-year survival rate is less than 50%. In recent years, with the popularization of gastroscopy, the proportion of early gastric cancer has increased year by year. Therefore, the “Guidelines” recommend that people aged 40 years and above or those with a family history of gastric cancer should be screened for gastric cancer.

Breast cancer is one of the common malignant tumors in women, and comprehensive treatment methods can achieve good curative effect. The “Guidelines for Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment (2022 Edition)” recommends that high-risk groups of breast cancer, such as those with obvious genetic predisposition to breast cancer, those with previous breast ductal or lobular dysplasia or lobular carcinoma in situ, and those who have undergone thoracic radiotherapy, should be treated as early as possible. (less than 40 years old) screening is recommended once a year. In principle, mammography and breast ultrasound can be combined. If necessary, imaging methods such as MRI can be used.

Cervical cancer is another common gynecological malignancy. The “Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Cervical Cancer (2022 Edition)” pointed out that the median age of onset of cervical cancer in my country is 51 years old, with 40 to 50 years old being the most, and 60 to 70 years old being another peak incidence. It is worth noting that the incidence of cervical cancer has been younger in recent years. Through the inspection and treatment of precancerous lesions, cervical cancer can be effectively controlled.

The 2022 National Cancer Report recently released by the National Cancer Center shows that on average, more than 11,100 people are diagnosed with new cancers every day in my country, and nearly 6,600 people die from cancer; lung cancer, colorectal cancer, gastric cancer , liver cancer and breast cancer are the five common cancers, accounting for 57.4% of the total new cases.