Losing weight is the easiest, economical and effective way to treat diabetes!

“reverse attack” diabetes,this is the easiest, economical and effective way to treat diabetes method!

Everyone likes to call me chubby. After graduating from university at the age of 22, I became an ordinary Bei drifter and started to work hard for my dream. I always think that the disease is far away from me, and the bad lifestyle is vividly reflected in me. My daily diet is all kinds of fast food, such as two six-tier beef Burger King, two rice bowls, fried chicken beer and more. It is commonplace, and at the same time often stays up all night or even overnight, sedentary for a long time, and sometimes can not see the sun for up to a month.

In just 3 years, my weight soared from 130kg to 160kg, and my fat belly started to make me walk out of breath and move. inconvenient.

I then started to feel very tired and could not walk. He started to have dry mouth, no matter how much water he drank, his thirst would not be quenched, and he was “sugar addicted to life”. He especially liked sweet drinks. He could even drink two bottles of 1.5L fruit juice drinks at a time, and he could drink up to 5L of water a day, and he kept going to the bathroom. The same amount of food, but the weight has been falling, and the weight has dropped to 146kg in one month.

I didn’t care at that time until one day, I started to have abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, and came to the hospital in the emergency department for examination“glycated hemoglobin 12.7%, Fasting blood sugar 19.89mmol/L, urine ketone body 3+”, the doctor gave the final “verdict” – diabetes, diabetic ketosis.

Since then, I have started infusions, insulin, blood sugar monitoring, and gradually started to eat so-called diabetic meals, which are completely “no oil and no salt, tasteless” food. From the day the “trial” was made public, the mood of anxiety and depression lingered like a dark cloud.

I just turned 26! I’m about to step into the Sugar Man team, I don’t believe it! So, I officially started my diabetes “counter-attack battle”! I learned about diabetes and took the first step to lose weight. In 3 months, I completely got rid of my original living habits and lost 23kg.From the very beginning, 4 injections of insulin a day, a month Later, it was changed to oral medication 3 times a day, and miraculously, the medication was completely stopped after 3 months, and the blood sugar was all up to the standard.

My “Battle of the Counterattack” has paid off and will continue, the “sweet burden” of diabetes has changed Own.

years In recent years, the prevalence of diabetes in China has continued to rise. As of 2013, the prevalence of diabetes in China’s population aged 18 and above has reached 10.4%, that is, 140 million people with diabetes in a population of 1.38 billion, ranking first in the world, and there are still 63% of people with diabetes are undiagnosed.

Anddietary interventions for weight control are the simplest, most effective, and most effective for type 2 diabetes. The economical and preferred intervention is the cornerstone of the whole process of type 2 diabetes treatment..

Is Xiao Wang’s diabetes cured? Can diabetes be cured?

< p>The answer is no! Cure and reversal are two very different concepts.

< span>Radical cure:Not only do you not need to take hypoglycemic drugs, but even if you eat cakes, drink sweet drinks, etc., your blood sugar remains normal.

Reversal:No hypoglycemic drugs, normal blood sugar, but still need lifestyle interventions such as diet control.


Therefore, Pre-diabetes can be reversed, but not cured!

Pre-diabetes (fasting blood sugar) impaired glucose tolerance) and newly diagnosed early stage of type 2 diabetesis the best reversal period. After reasonable intervention, many diabetics can achieve “streaking” The effect is that without taking medicine or injecting insulin, the blood sugar is still up to the standard.

Of course, for patients with type 2 diabetes with a certain course of disease, after reasonable treatment, even if the effect of “streaking” cannot be achieved, it can be To achieve the results of reducing drugs and reducing complications.

Classification of Glucose Metabolic Status (WHO 1999)

Note: IFG and IGT are collectively referred to as impaired glucose regulation (IGR, or prediabetes)

Two-thirds of type 2 diabetes are obese, and 60% of obese patients have impaired glucose tolerance.

There is only one step from obesity to diabetes, that is, obesity → impaired glucose regulation → type 2 diabetes.

The Lancet published an article in December 2017 confirming that overweight or obese type 2 diabetes In patients, diabetes can be reversed through weight loss. The study confirmed that remission of type 2 diabetes was more common among those participants who lost more weight, as shown below[1]< /span>:

SubjectExperiment results

weight gain group

0% in remission

weight loss 0~5 kg group

7% in remission

5-10 kg weight loss group

34% in remission

10~15kg weight loss group

57% in remission

15 kg weight loss group

86% in remission

Why weight loss may improve diabetes to some extent Symptoms,because the accumulation of fat around the pancreas puts pressure on the beta cells in the organ that control blood sugar levels, causing them to stop producing enough insulin. This leads to uncontrolled blood sugar levels.

Therefore, if you find abnormal blood sugar, don’t be afraid, timely drug treatment and lifestyle intervention Can reverse diabetes.

For people who are overweight or obese, sedentary office workers, etc., you can regularly go to the hospital for glucose tolerance test and diabetes screening, such as If you find abnormal blood sugar, act immediately.

reversing type 2 diabetes early, Working towards a “cure” of diabetes!

Who says diabetes can’t go back ?

In the hearts of people with diabetes, the long-term journey with diabetes is like a downhill process. After suffering from diabetes, the condition will inevitably change. getting more and more serious.

In fact, everyone’s situation is similar. The difference and difference between them is that some sugar friends have a steeper “slope” and a faster descent speed, and some sugar friends have a “slope”. “Be gentler, and the rate of decline is slower, this is the “destiny” of diabetic patients…With the development of technology, this fact may be broken. Diabetes can really be reversed.

The conclusion of the “fate” theory of diabetes shows that people with diabetes have not fully understood diabetes, or have a low understanding of diabetes. Although they know a lot about diabetes, there are still problems. less mistakes.

Why can blood sugar in type 2 diabetes go back to the way it was?

Low blood sugar mainly relies on insulin to play its role. The root cause of diabetes is the problem of insulin secretion in the body. In our pancreas, there are many “cell clusters” scattered and distributed, which are also called “islets” in medicine.

There are two kinds of cells that are very important in this: one is the A cell, which is mainly responsible for the production of “glucagon”, which literally can raise blood sugar; The other is B cells, which are the cells responsible for producing “insulin”, and insulin is the core force of the “work” responsible for lowering blood sugar.

Under normal circumstances, the proportion of these two kinds of cells is appropriate, and the amount of glucagon and insulin produced is also the same, and the two balance each other to maintain a stable blood sugar situation.

However, when the blood sugar in our body rises, this balance is broken, and there will be huge changes in the islets, mainly because the B cell “team” has a big problem:

  • Some B cells can’t stand the “destruction” of high blood sugar and directly “die”;

  • Some B cells defected to the “revolution”, joined A cells, and stepped into the blood sugar level;

  • Some B cells were “incognito” and “silent”, waiting for When the time is right, we will make a comeback;

In this way, a large part of B cells cannot produce insulin, and only a small part of B cells remain “native” , “Persevere and persevere”, but after all, the number of people is insufficient, the output of insulin is greatly reduced, the power of lowering blood sugar is getting weaker and weaker, and the blood sugar will appear “continuously high” phenomenon, which is what sugar friends think The “fatalism” argument that diabetes is on the decline.

However, this “fatalism” can be broken. As long as diabetes is handled well, it can be reversed, and diabetes can be brought back to its original state.

diabetes can really be reversed

now found in Given the right treatment at the right time, the “renegade” and “incognito” B cells can still “remain true to their original aspirations”, restore the nature of the B cells again, return to the previous state, and begin to produce insulin, with a large amount of insulin. so that the unbalanced blood sugar can be rebalanced again.

The progression of type 2 diabetes has long been considered inevitable, requiring more and more oral hypoglycemic agents as the disease progresses, and may eventually require insulin therapy. Based on existing research, weight loss is the main effective way to control and reverse type 2 diabetes. If a patient with type 2 diabetes is also overweight, losing weight can help the patient achieve better blood sugar control and improve other health parameter.

A study published in the journal Diabetes found that:Only by reducing dietary intake Once in, beta cell function (as measured by insulin levels) and fasting blood glucose levels are fully normalized. A recently published clinical trial mentioned that 46% of 2Type diabetes patients recover and maintain their disease long-term after up to 6 years of weight management interventions.

One-year follow-up results of clinical trial DiRECT published in The Lancet: Appropriate dietary restriction Management, nearly half of the subjects can achieve complete remission of diabetes symptoms, and are likely to no longer rely on drug treatment! If you can lose more than 15 kg in 12 months, the remission rate of diabetes symptoms is 86%! A concurrent review article in The Lancet also stated thatthe results support dietary restriction as a non-drug approach to revolutionize diabetes treatment, but it is best to start as soon as possible after diabetes is diagnosed conduct. Cell magazine published Scientific discoveries: hurry up! Scientists have found that a calorie-restricted diet can reverse type 2 diabetes in many ways. Many readers have said that this is not a new thing to rely on hunger to cure diseases… But this experiment has proved that effective control of diet can completely alleviate diabetes. But all the existing hypoglycemic drugs can’t do it!

The following is some evidence collected by the Endocrinology Department of the First Affiliated Hospital in the clinical treatment of obese and overweight diabetic patients .

Case 1

< /p>

Case 2

Case 3

Although we have not conducted large-scale clinical research, the physicians in the Endocrinology Department of the First Affiliated Hospital have gradually explored a complete set of methods in their clinical work method helps these diabetics to gradually get rid of diabetes and move towards good control. Here I wish all diabetics to find the key to recovery as soon as possible!

After reading the above evidence, I believe that diabetic friends definitely have the motivation to keep their mouths shut. Next, we can see the actual action. Come on friends…The premise is to consult a doctor first, but don’t do it yourself!

When is the best time to reverse diabetes?

The period just diagnosed with type 2 diabetes is the best period for reversal of diabetes. After reasonable treatment, many people with diabetes can achieve the effect of “streaking”.

For patients with type 2 diabetes with a certain course of disease, they have not lost the chance of reversal. After reasonable treatment, even if the effect of “streaking” cannot be achieved, taking a step back can also reap the benefits of reducing medicines, The effect of reducing complications.

To sum up in one sentence: Any time, as long as you have the idea of ​​reversing diabetes, it is not too late, no matter how long you have been suffering from diabetes, you can try it.

Reversing diabetes, what should I do?

1. You can rely on yourself. The main thing is to limit the daily food intake, which needs to be done step by step, there is a gradual adaptation process, and gradually reach our prescribed daily food intake, and stick to it for a long time.

If a very low-energy diet is adopted, with a daily intake of 800 kcal, for obese patients with elevated blood sugar, it can relieve obesity and at the same time have the effect of reversing diabetes, which can be combined with surgical bariatric surgery. The effect is quite similar, and it is not very good to avoid the pain of using a knife.

How much is 800 kcal?

Each 100 grams (2 taels) of rice provides about 115 kcal, each 100 grams (2 taels) of steamed bread provides about 200 kcal, and each 100 grams (2 taels) of various vegetables provides about 20 kcal kcal, lean pork provides about 150 kcal per 100 grams.

You can combine your own recipes according to the energy data of the food.

However, it should be noted that the phenomenon of weight rebound in less than 1 year of very low energy diet is particularly obvious, so long-term adherence is very important.

2. You can rely on a doctor. For those who have not had diabetes for a long time, high blood sugar and typical symptoms, intensive treatment can be used, that is, by using drugs and insulin, to control blood sugar in the normal range, and the treatment time is 1-2 weeks or according to the situation. extend.

Through the above methods, many people with high blood sugar will have diabetes reversal. Without taking medicine, without injections, or “streaking”, their blood sugar can still be within the normal range.

Of course, blood sugar is normal, and a healthy lifestyle must be adhered to for a long time, otherwise the reversed diabetes can make a comeback.

In addition, obese adult patients with type 2 diabetes should first try to take lifestyle and drug treatment. If blood sugar is still poorly controlled, metabolic surgery can be considered. Bariatric surgery can significantly improve glycemic control in obese patients with type 2 diabetes, and can also reverse some diabetes.

Key Knowledge

It is never too late for you to think about reversing diabetes. No matter how long you have been suffering from diabetes, you can try it. If you can get the effect of reversing diabetes, you must not “recover the scar and forget the pain”. You still need to persevere and maintain healthy living habits for a long time to prevent diabetes from recurring. On stage.

If you don’t get the expected effect of reversing diabetes, you don’t have to be disappointed. If you put in the effort, you will be rewarded. This effort and attempt will greatly reduce the use of drugs and improve the The control of blood sugar and the reduction of complications have also created a good line of defense for our health.

You need to stick to the following habits:


Maintain a healthy weight: The goal of weight loss in overweight/obese patients is 3 Lose 5% to 10% of body weight in ~6 months. Thin people should achieve and maintain their ideal body weight through a reasonable nutrition plan[2].


Maintain a reasonable diet: Control total calories, limit Consumption of sweets and unhealthy fats.


Exercise regularly: Increase your daily physical activity, Reduce sitting time, 150 minutes per week (such as exercise 5 days per week, 30 minutes each time) moderate-intensity exercise, that is, exercise a little hard, the heartbeat and breathing are accelerated but not rapid, and the heart rate reaches the maximum heart rate (maximum heart rate is equal to 170 minus age) 50% to 70% of aerobic exercise. Such as brisk walking, cycling, table tennis, badminton, etc.


Maintain a reasonable diet: Control your total calories and limit your intake of sweets and unhealthy fats.

The counterattack of diabetes requires good communication and close cooperation between diabetes friends and medical staff, and one of the five carriages is indispensable. Of course, even with initial victories in diabetes treatment, still needs to stick to it, maintain a healthy lifestyle, manage yourself, and monitor your blood sugar regularly.

According to the latest edition “Chinese Expert Consensus on Ketogenic Diet Intervention in Type 2 Diabetes” , a number of studies have confirmed that ketogenic diet for patients with type 2 diabetes can effectively reduce body weight, lower blood sugar, reduce blood sugar fluctuations, improve insulin resistance, improve metabolic indicators, Improve quality of life.

What is a ketogenic diet01

< p>The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet supplemented with moderate amounts of protein and other nutrients.

With the deepening of research, the application field of ketogenic diet is also expanding. Diabetes, tumors, autism, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, polycystic ovary syndrome, brain and spinal cord injury and other diseases.

ketogenic dietadaptation Indications and Contraindications


Indications< /strong>

Age 18-65 years old, overweight or obese (BMI>24 kg/m2), body fat rate higher than the normal standard for the same age , patients with type 2 diabetes with normal liver and kidney function and no severe chronic complications of diabetes.



Contraindications are further divided into metabolic contraindications and general condition contraindications.

Metabolic contraindications

Type 1 diabetes, gestational diabetes , carnitine deficiency, carnitine palmitoyltransferase I or II deficiency, carnitine transferase II deficiency, fatty acid β-oxidation deficiency, medium-chain acyl dehydrogenase deficiency, long-chain acyl dehydrogenase Enzyme deficiency, short-chain acyl dehydrogenase deficiency, long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-coenzyme deficiency, medium-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-coenzyme deficiency, pyruvate carboxylase deficiency, porphyria.

General contraindications

Vital vital organs (heart , liver, lung, kidney, etc.) patients with severe dysfunction, history of pancreatitis, active gallbladder disease, moderate to severe liver damage, frequent gout, fat digestion disorder, history of renal failure, pregnancy and breastfeeding, ongoing infection, or very poor physique , Patients who cannot cooperate.

The structure of the ketogenic diet03< p>

  • Net carbohydrates (excluding dietary fiber): less than 100 g/d.

  • Protein: 1 g/(kg·d) .

  • Fat: Except for carbohydrates and protein sources, all other energy requirements are given in fat, and the total energy is given with reference to the basal metabolic rate. For fat intake, you should get fat from foods rich in omega-3, such as salmon, tuna, saury, sardines, etc.; eat foods high in monounsaturated fatty acids, such as avocado (avocado), olive oil .

  • Dietary fiber: 30 g of dietary fiber is recommended daily, 15 g in the morning and 15 g in the evening.

  • Drink no less than 2000 mL of water per day.

  • A daily supplement of appropriate amount of vitamins and trace elements.

  • Keep a moderate amount of exercise every day. p>

    In practical application, individualized dynamic adjustment can be made according to the patient’s blood glucose, blood lipid and blood ketone levels, nitrogen balance, tolerance, etc. In order to reduce fat and increase muscle as the goal, it is recommended to assist anaerobic resistance exercise mainly, and a large amount of overloaded aerobic exercise is not recommended. From static to dynamic, from stable to unstable, from not using equipment to using equipment, step by step, taking self-feeling as the standard. The exercise time is gradually extended, 10-20 min/group is appropriate, and 1-2 groups/d is sufficient.

Intervention Duration04

Ketogenic fat loss is generally divided into 3 stages, as follows:

< span>The first phase of nutritional intervention—the initiation phase of lipolysis (ie, the “priming phase”)

During the start-up period, the intervened population was started mainly through reasonable dietary adjustments (ketogenic diet), moderate exercise and remodeling of a healthy lifestyle, as well as the whole-process tracking and guidance service of professional nutritionists. Its own fat decomposition function consumes the accumulated fat in the body to achieve the purpose of reducing fat and weight. The start-up period is generally 2 to 12 weeks. Considering the impact of a long-term low-carb diet on the human body, those who fail to reach the target after 12 weeks can be suspended for a few weeks, and the transitional diet mode can be adopted to restart.

The second stage of nutritional intervention—the transitional stage of weight loss (the “weight loss period”)< /span>

During the weight loss period, after the intervention group basically achieves or achieves the weight loss goal, it is a stage of transition from the start-up diet to the normal diet. At this stage, the dietitian will teach the patients how to maintain body weight and the points to pay attention to, so as to prepare for the prevention of body weight rebound. Gradually increasing the supply of carbohydrates at this stage can significantly reduce the occurrence of abdominal pain and diarrhea.

The third stage of nutritional intervention—the body mass maintenance stage (the “maintenance period”) span>

The maintenance period is the stage of weight control and maintenance after the intervention group completes the transition period of weight loss. Regular follow-up visits are used to observe the maintenance of the patient’s body weight, guide the patient’s diet and lifestyle, and prevent the body weight from rebounding. During the whole process, patients with type 2 diabetes who lose fat need to monitor blood sugar and other metabolic indicators, and adjust their drug treatment plan in time. At any stage of ketogenic fat reduction, if it occurs or the patient is intolerable, changes in liver and kidney function, and hyperuricemia, it is a termination event. After termination, it can be switched to a transitional diet to continue observation, or stop the intervention and return to a normal diet.

Drugs for hypoglycemic, lipid-lowering, etc. Drug withdrawal/dose reduction timing


type 2 diabetes mellitus patients undergoing ketogenic intervention In the process of treatment, with the establishment of a good lifestyle, blood sugar will generally drop, and if it is well controlled, the program and dose of hypoglycemic drugs can be adjusted according to the patient’s blood sugar situation, or even discontinuation of hypoglycemic drugs. With the decrease of body weight and body fat rate, metabolic indicators such as blood pressure, blood lipids, and uric acid will also benefit, and related drugs can be adjusted according to the detection indicators.

Source Friends of Diabetes, MMC Steward, China Medical Tribune Diabetes Today

References:< /p>

[1]Lean Michael Ej, Leslie Wilma S, Barnes Alison C, Brosnahan Naomi, etc. Primary care-led weight management for remission of type 2 diabetes (DiRECT): an open-label, cluster-randomised trial.[J]. Lancet (London, England),2018,391(10120).

[2] Jia Weiping, Lu Juming. Guidelines for the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes in China (2017 edition) [J]. Chinese Journal of Diabetes, 2018,10(1):2-3.

[3] Jiang Bo, Zou Dajin, Ma Xianghua, et al. Ketogenic Chinese expert consensus on dietary intervention in type 2 diabetes (2019 edition) [J]. Journal of Practical Clinical Medicine, 2019, 23(03): 1-6.

Introduction to the Department of Endocrinology, First Affiliated Hospital of Hebei North University

1989Established Endocrinology Professional Group, 2003independent clinic, 2006independent disease Room, 2011Independent Ward. The Department of Endocrinology is the only department in the specialty of endocrinology and metabolism in Zhangjiakou City that has postgraduate studentsqualified for recruitment and training. The only major in internal medicine (endocrinology and metabolism) in Zhangjiakou Citynational resident physician Standardized trainingA department that recruits and trains qualifications. National levelProfessional for the filing of quality specifications for drug clinical trials (GCP) , Chinese Medical Association Diabetes Health Education and Management Certification Unit, Diabetes In-Hospital Blood Glucose Management Training Practice Base, Hebei Province Growth and Short Stature Disease Alliance Unit, Hebei Province Rare diseaseMember unit, Youth Civilization of Hebei Province, Communist Youth League. He has undertaken several provincial continuing education projects and national continuing education projects in Hebei Province, and has won many hospital-level awardsAdvanced Departments, Advanced Nursing Groups and other titles. The Department of Endocrinology will strive to build a learning team with noble medical ethics, superb medical skills, high-quality service, unity and cooperation, and a national key endocrinology specialty in Northwest Beijing, which integrates medical education and research and features endocrine and metabolic diseases diagnosis and treatment.

Annual outpatient volume of endocrinology department6.71ten thousand person-times, ward beds65Zhang, hospitalized 1835 person-times per year. There are 15 physicians in the Department of Endocrinology, including the chief physician1, and the deputy chief physician< span>7persons, attending physician4persons, resident physicians3persons. There are 17 nurses in the Department of Endocrinology, including the chief nurse7, with 2Nurses hold diabetes education specialist nurse certificates.

The Department of Endocrinology is a hospital-level key discipline. Outpatient clinics, thyroid clinics, general outpatient clinics, and mission outpatient clinics. Diabetes and thyroid diseases are common diseases of endocrinology. Currently, the subspecialties of endocrinology include growth and development, endocrine hypertension, obesity and special types of diabetes, involving diseases including diabetes, thyroid disease, abnormal growth and development , adrenal disease, pituitary disease, gonadal disease, osteoporosis, obesity and other endocrine and metabolic diseases.

Department of Endocrinology Tel: 0313-8041519 8041518

The contact information of some physicians is as follows:

Hebei North College Affiliated First The endocrinology team of the hospital is dedicated to providing you with high-quality medical care services!

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None It is difficult to be a doctor, and it is necessary to be diligent and persistent in doing any kind of knowledge, especially when studying medicine. The special thing about the profession of a doctor is that he touches patients with every move and every move. He has better medical skills and can live at any time, while his medical skills are poor and can harm people at any time. A doctor, if he does not study hard and is willing to be rude in medical skills, is irresponsible for the life of his patients. Of course, just studying diligently does not mean that you can completely solve the disease. But don’t hesitate to learn, at least you can be ashamed.

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