Long-term exercise but unable to build muscle, there are often these 4 reasons, after adjustment, the effect of muscle building is improved

Nowadays, there are various fitness videos on the Internet. The little brothers in them will teach you various fitness exercises and share their training experience. Their bodies are also very good, and the whole screen is full of muscle feeling.

Look at the real boys, most of them are fat or thin.

It’s the same in the gym, some people exercise every day, 1-2 years later, they are still the same.

At this point, you will be confused: why can others build muscle while you are standing still?

1. The training action is completely wrong

Now the network is developed, you can find all kinds of pictures, videos, books and e-books, and you can learn in any way To a variety of fitness knowledge and fitness movements, you can learn and imitate by yourself.

But the more you watch it, there will be disadvantages. For example, this video teaches you barbell rowing, another video teaches you dumbbell rowing, and then see another article The article on back training introduces 6-8 movements.

Every movement can be imitated, but all the movements are not done correctly, either by swinging the equipment to borrow force, or the body posture is unstable, so there is no muscle building effect after training.

Therefore, it is necessary to train one movement repeatedly until you find the correct feeling of power and training, and then study other movements, so that you can really master each movement.

2. No plan to train at will

The gym has a lot of training equipment, a single gantry can design dozens of movements, as well as dumbbells, barbells and Freehand action. Each training session is at most 2 hours, because people’s physical strength and time are limited, and it is impossible to exercise 24 hours a day.

If you go to the gym, if you see a piece of equipment, go to exercise, no matter what part the equipment is aimed at, you will be able to see it or know it yourself Do all the movements once, and think that even if you have practiced it in place.

The final result is: I feel like I want to practice everything, I can practice everything, but I can’t build muscle.

Therefore, it is necessary to design a fixed training plan, and operate according to the mode of first large muscle group and then small muscle group, every week. Train 5 times.

For example, chest, back, legs, shoulders and arms, so that the whole body can be trained.

3. Interrupting training for too long

Stimulates muscles during training, and muscle growth occurs during rest.

Therefore, it is normal to rest 2-3 days a week, so that there is enough time to recover and improve the muscle building effect.

The normal training mode is “practice 1 day and rest 1 day or 2 days and rest 1 day”, at most 3 days and 1 day rest. Of course, when it comes to training legs, you can rest for 2 consecutive days.

If you continue to rest for more than 5 to 7 days, it will break the original training plan.

You may only be able to practice 1-2 times a week, or even practice 1 week and 1 week off. If the interruption is too long, the overall training effect will be affected.

Therefore, it is necessary to limit each training time to 60-90 minutes, no more than 6 training movements, and use 75% -80% weight.

Stretch the corresponding muscles after each training session. The leg muscles need to be relaxed every day to reduce the time of muscle soreness, so that you can recover faster and avoid prolonged interruptions .

4. The diet and nutrition are not up to the standard

If you want to gain muscle, you need not only regular fitness training, but also dietary nutrition supplements. This is the so-called “three-point training, seven-point training” share”.

If you train every day, and the training intensity and training volume are very high, just simply drink water after each training, eat some fast food, lunch , mostly rice, noodles and vegetables, and overeat at night.

Eating and drinking like this is no different from normal people. Although the calories are up to the standard, it cannot meet the needs of muscle building. It is easy to appear: The content of carbohydrates and fat is too high, and the protein content is too small.

Therefore, the three meals a day should be reasonably matched, except for the staple food and vegetables, you need to eat more Eggs, chicken breasts, beef, fish and other protein foods need to drink whey protein drinks after training, so as to enhance the muscle building effect.

Write at the end:

Most of the boys who go to the gym want to increase their strength, and also Hope you can build muscle and become stronger.

You have to understand that “building muscle requires methods”, not a simple exercise.

If everyone can build muscle, there will be no fitness net red, because everyone has the same body, and there is no need for others to guide.

If you want to build muscle, you must do every movement to a standard, train according to a fixed plan, and have no weekly rest time. More than 3 days, but also eat more protein-containing food to ensure adequate nutrition, so as to get twice the result with half the effort.

Muscle building is also a slow process. Training and diet are equally important. Take every training and diet of every meal seriously. Only by persevering can you see your ideal body-Yumi AI Fitness
