Local cases in mainland China have increased significantly, Qingdao Laixi teachers and students have confirmed 244 cases

China News Agency, Beijing, March 10. Comprehensive news: China’s National Health Commission announced on the 10th that there were 528 new confirmed cases in mainland China on the 9th, including 126 imported cases and 402 local cases. There were 586 new asymptomatic infections, including 151 imported cases and 435 local cases.

As of 24:00 on the 9th, there were 4,610 confirmed cases in mainland China, a total of 112,385 confirmed cases and 4,636 deaths. There are currently 2,451 confirmed cases imported from abroad, with a total of 15,836 confirmed cases and no deaths.

The number of local cases in mainland China has increased significantly in the past two days. The cases involved 21 provinces.

After the number of new local cases exceeded 500 for 3 consecutive days, the number of local cases in mainland China The number of cases increased sharply again on the 9th, reaching 837. Both the number of local confirmed cases and local asymptomatic infections hit a new high this year, and both exceeded 400 cases for the first time this year.

The 402 new local confirmed cases came from 16 provinces, of which Jilin Province exceeded 100 cases (165 cases), and 7 provinces reached double digits, namely: Shandong 66 cases, Gansu 66 cases, There are 21 cases in Shaanxi, 19 in Tianjin, 17 in Guangdong, 13 in Jiangsu and 10 in Hebei. Beijing and Shanghai each have four cases.

435 new cases of local asymptomatic infection were added on the same day, also distributed in 16 provinces, including Jilin (179 cases), Shandong (112 cases) over 100 cases; Shanghai (76 cases), Yunnan (22 cases) Cases), Gansu (11 cases) reached double digits.

It is worth noting that the new local cases in mainland China on the 8th involved 19 provinces, plus Henan and Qinghai provinces that reported local confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections on the 9th. In the past two days, China Mainland local cases have spread to 21 provinces.

A cluster of epidemics in a university in Jilin has added another high-risk area in Tianjin

344 new local cases were added in Jilin Province on the 9th (165 confirmed cases, 179 asymptomatic infections), of which 134 were diagnosed in Jilin City and 149 were asymptomatic infections.

During the current round of the epidemic, Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology College has a clustered epidemic on campus, and the number of new cases has increased significantly in recent days. According to CCTV, on the 10th, the school assembled 30 buses (each carrying about 55 people), and successively entered the campus to transfer the close and sub-close students of positive cases out of the school.

Jilin Province officially announced on the 10th that Zhang Lifeng was removed from the post of Secretary of the Party Committee of Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology College.

The epidemic in Jilin Province first started in Yanbian Prefecture. From March 1 to 9, Yanbian Prefecture reported a total of 48 local confirmed cases and 32 asymptomatic infections.

Yanbian Prefecture stated on the 10th that the current round of epidemic in Yanbian has developed rapidly and has affected 5 counties and cities in the state. According to the current development of the epidemic situation in Yanbian Prefecture, we will strive to achieve social zero within a week.

Tianjin added 19 local confirmed cases and 2 asymptomatic infections on the 9th, most of which were in Xiqing District. Tianjin announced on the 10th that from that day on, a construction site in Xiqing District was adjusted to a high-risk area. Previously, the Yizu gymnasium located in the Tianjin Airport Economic Zone was classified as a high-risk area.

Qingdao Laixi teachers and students confirmed 244 cases of Shanghai epidemic or spread to many places

Qingdao City, Shandong Province held a press conference on the 10th, saying that from the 9th to the 12th As of 12:00 on the 10th, 71 new local confirmed cases and 131 asymptomatic infections were added in Laixi City, Qingdao. From March 4th to 10th, Lacey City has reported a total of 304 local confirmed cases and 472 asymptomatic infections. Among the confirmed cases, 217 are students, 27 are teachers, and 60 are key groups. According to previous reports, Lacey’s campus epidemic was mainly concentrated in Lacey No. 7 Middle School.

In addition, according to reports, Laixi City launched the fourth round of nucleic acid testing for all employees on the 9th. Nearly 540,000 samples have been sampled, and a total of 35 positive cases have been detected.

Shanghai added 4 local confirmed cases and 76 asymptomatic infections on the 9th. On the afternoon of the 10th, Shanghai announced again that there were 5 new local confirmed cases and 21 local asymptomatic infections.

The official notification and case flow track of various places show that the recent cases in Jiangsu, Shaanxi, Zhejiang, Shanxi, Anhui and other provinces and cities involved Shanghai or were related to the Shanghai epidemic.

Gansu Province suspends inter-provincial team travel, and the number of medium-risk areas in Lianyungang City increases to 45

Gansu Province added 66 local confirmed cases on the 9th, of which There were 40 cases in Lanzhou New District, 19 in Lanzhou City, and 7 in Baiyin City; 11 new asymptomatic infections were reported, including 5 in Baiyin City, 5 in Lanzhou New District, and 1 in Lanzhou City. As of 24:00 on the 9th, Gansu Province has reported a total of 88 local confirmed cases in this epidemic.

Gansu Province announced on the 10th that its existing local confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections are all in isolation treatment or isolation medical observation in designated medical institutions, and social cases are basically zero. At present, Gansu Province has a total of 27 closed and controlled areas and 21 controlled areas. Gansu has suspended travel agencies and online travel companies across the province from operating inter-provincial team tours and “air tickets + hotels” business.

A new case of asymptomatic infection was added on the 9th in Xining City, Qinghai Province. According to a report from Xining City, the case and his wife drove to Lanzhou on the 4th, and the two of them drove from Lanzhou to Xining on the 6th.

Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province added 13 new confirmed cases and 3 asymptomatic infections on the 9th. A total of 43 local confirmed cases and 15 asymptomatic infections have been reported in this round of epidemic. Lianyungang City adjusted some risk areas on the 10th. After the adjustment, there are 45 medium-risk areas in the city. (End)