Liver Qi is uncomfortable, Yueju Pill and Liangfu Pill, how to choose and use, the old Chinese medicine tells you the method

It’s the new year again, nourishing the liver in the spring is like a farmer’s uncle sowing the seeds. , which echoes the vibrant scenery in spring, so nourishing the liver in spring must be done according to the situation.

Due to the high pressure and fast pace of modern life, it is inevitable that people will be in a bad mood. At this time, their heart will be blocked and panic. If they are in a depressed and depressed environment for a long time, they will form Liver qi stagnation. If you adjust it well, you will be fine. If you don’t adjust it well, there will be a lot of negative emotions. If the Qi is stagnant for too long, the blood will be stagnant. There will be loss of appetite, pain in the chest and flank, dry stool, insomnia and dreams, poor temper, fear of cold and heat, sighing, dizziness, red tongue and little coating, etc.

For liver qi discomfort, it is necessary to soothe the liver and relieve stagnation, so the excellent players for soothing the liver and resolving stagnation – Yueju Pill and Liangfu Pill.

How to choose this? Lets come look.

1. Yueju Wan: from “Danxi Heart Method”< /p>

Composition: Cyanophora, Chuanxiong, Cangzhu, Divine Comedy, Gardenia

Indications: Liver qi is not comfortable, resulting in accumulation of food, blood stasis, phlegm-dampness, and fire.

Syringa and Chuanxiong have the effect of regulating qi and promoting blood circulation; Atractylodes can dry dampness; Divine Comedy has the effect of digestion; Gardenia has a heat-clearing effect.

2. Liangfu Pills: from “Liang Fang Ji Xun”

< p data-track="14">Composition: Galangal, Cyperus officinalis

Indications: Stomach cold causes liver qi stagnation.

Among them, galangal has the effect of dispelling the cold in the stomach; Xiangfu has the effect of regulating qi and soothing the liver. The combination of the two has the effect of warming the middle and dispelling the cold.

Liver qi is unwell, which manifests as emotional sluggishness, irritability, and spleen and stomach damage over a long period of time. If it is not dealt with in time, there will be phlegm stagnation, which will hinder digestion, and food stagnation will appear. At the same time, because the circulation of qi promotes blood circulation, the deficiency of qi will cause blood stagnation. Over time, blood stagnation will form, and blood stagnation will turn into heat. , food stagnation for a long time will also generate heat, so when qi stagnation and a fire are added, there will be fire stagnation. Therefore, Yueju Pill is used in this situation, which can disintegrate phlegm and dampness in the body and remove phlegm resistance.

The stomach is in the middle burner and contains organs such as the liver, gallbladder, spleen and stomach. If one of these organs fails, other organs will also be affected. For example, the liver is easy to get angry and stagnant qi, the spleen is easy to generate dampness and cause deficiency, and the stomach is afraid of heat and cold. So in this case, it is very important to choose Liangfu Pills.

Therefore, you must follow the doctor’s advice carefully when taking it. #zhengzhou headline# #Health Decryption# #Super Health Group# #Health Science Contest# #I want to make a headline#