Live broadcast for 15 hours a day, the anchor with goods is tired and “lost”

Wuhan Evening News (Correspondent Zhou Shan) The woman was selling goods on live broadcast. In order to improve her performance, she “lost her voice” for two consecutive weeks. After taking the traditional Chinese medicine decoction for less than two weeks, her vocal cords edema, the follicles of the posterior pharyngeal wall completely disappeared, and her voice became clear. . A 28-year-old woman, Xiao Hong (pseudonym), came to the outpatient department of traditional Chinese medicine of the Changjiang Shipping General Hospital and Wuhan Brain Hospital again, and recommended it to Deputy Chief Physician Wu Ying with her sister who “sympathizes with each other”.

Two months ago, Xiao Hong switched from a brick-and-mortar catering business to become a live broadcaster of an entertainment platform. The number of fans and sales have soared, and the daily live broadcast time is as high as 15 hours. After shouting and explaining at high decibel levels for a long time, Xiao Hong’s voice gradually became hoarse after two weeks, and even drinking water and swallowing saliva felt sore in her throat. Taking medicine and taking anti-inflammatory injections did not improve. The old disease was not cured and he contracted a severe cold. It was not until the loss of voice affected his normal life that he took leave to come to the outpatient department of traditional Chinese medicine of Changjiang Shipping General Hospital and Wuhan Brain Hospital.

After careful inspection, hearing, inquiring, and four-diagnosis and ginseng, the deputy chief physician Wu Ying told Xiao Hong that it was due to the use of voice and overwork, which led to edema of the vocal cords. Then induced and aggravated the acute pharyngitis attack, forming the posterior pharyngeal wall covered with follicles, dry throat, severe sore throat until aphonia.

In order to relieve the pain as soon as possible, Wu Ying prescribed a traditional Chinese medicine decoction for Xiao Hong, such as clearing heat and relieving appearance, promoting body fluid and moisturizing dryness, and soothing throat and opening sound. Less than two weeks after taking the medicine strictly, Xiao Hong’s sore throat and other discomforts completely disappeared, and her voice returned to normal. “It is said that traditional Chinese medicine is slow to take effect, and I didn’t expect it to be able to quickly treat ’emergency diseases’, so whenever there is a sister who has the same disease, I recommend it to Dr. Wu without hesitation!” Xiao Hong’s words were full of praise for Dr. Wu.

Wu Ying pointed out: “Traditional Chinese medicine is a ‘slow man in the middle’, suitable for treating chronic diseases, but not for treating emergencies. This is a misunderstanding of people’s cognition of traditional Chinese medicine.” She said that in addition to the patient Xiao Hong In addition to such acute respiratory diseases, dizziness caused by hypertension; “exogenous high fever” caused by virus and bacterial infection; sepsis; acute gastroenteritis; urinary tract infection; intestinal infectious diseases such as malaria; dysmenorrhea , menstrual disorders, functional bleeding, breast hyperplasia, menopausal syndrome, pregnancy and postpartum disorders; children’s emergencies, etc., Chinese medicine has its own treatment system.