Liu Jianjun: Remarkable achievements in tuberculosis prevention and control, but still face five challenges

(People’s Daily Health Client Liu Yingqi) “At present, my country’s tuberculosis prevention and control has achieved remarkable results, but at the same time, my country’s tuberculosis prevention and control still faces five challenges.” March 24, 2022 is the 27th On the World Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Day, a theme publicity event jointly organized by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the China Tuberculosis Prevention Association was held in Beijing, said Liu Jianjun, deputy director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Liu Jianjun said: “Since the State Council issued the first national tuberculosis prevention and control plan in 2001 and established a national-level tuberculosis prevention and control institution, two sets of data are sufficient to illustrate the effectiveness of current disease prevention and control. One group is Given the treatment and care of existing patients, the global tuberculosis mortality rate is still as high as 17/100,000, while China is only 2.1/100,000. Second, the trend of tuberculosis epidemic changes, the global decline is slow, and the annual decline rate is only 1.5%, while China’s annual decline rate is only 1.5%. The decline rate is 3.2%, and China is twice as much as the world.”

But at the same time, Liu Jianjun also emphasized that we should be aware that my country’s tuberculosis prevention and control still faces five challenges, such as low detection rate of drug-resistant tuberculosis patients, low treatment rate, low cure rate, and new drug resistance. The number of patients is high, ranking second in the world. In addition, the prevention and control of key populations and latently infected populations has not yet formed a trend. “

Liu Jianjun, deputy director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

At the event site, Zhao Yanlin, director of the Center for Disease Control and Tuberculosis Prevention and Control, released the implementation plan of the “three major actions” for tuberculosis prevention and control (caring action for tuberculosis patients, community action without tuberculosis, and social mobilization action for tuberculosis prevention and control). The new second edition of “Modern Tuberculosis”, “2021 Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Report” and “2021 Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Documentary” were released at the same time.

Zhao Yanlin, director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Tuberculosis Prevention and Control.

In this regard, Liu Jianjun said: The “2021 China Tuberculosis Report” compiled by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the “2021 China Tuberculosis Documentary” organized by the China Antituberculosis Association, which was released this year for the first time, from From different perspectives and latitudes, it presents the major activities, events, and work achievements and research results of China’s TB prevention and control work in the past year, providing a basis for the national TB prevention and control personnel to fully understand my country’s TB prevention and control activities.

It is understood that in 2022, my country’s tuberculosis prevention and control work will continue to focus on the “National Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Plan” and “Stop Tuberculosis Action Plan (2019-2022)” to simplify, quantify, and process With the tenet of “systematization, systematization and scientific research”, we innovatively carry out three major actions of caring for TB patients, TB-free communities and mobilizing the whole society, build an intelligent TB prevention and treatment network that combines online and offline, and two-dimensional interaction, and continuously improve disease prevention and control institutions, Tuberculosis designated medical institutions, comprehensive medical institutions and grass-roots medical and health institutions have the capacity of comprehensive tuberculosis prevention and treatment service systems, implement detailed tuberculosis prevention and control measures, and further reduce the national tuberculosis epidemic.