Little family loves it! Songjiang, a medical and nursing family, has two generations of four members on the front line of anti-epidemic

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“Everyone is here, let’s go!” The young nucleic acid sampling leader named Chen Sinan is a staff member of the Party and Mass Office of Songjiang District Central Hospital. His parents and fiancee are also employees of the hospital. After the outbreak of this round of the epidemic, their whole family of four went to battle together and went to the forefront of the fight against the epidemic.

As one of the leaders of the nucleic acid sampling team dispatched by the hospital, Chen Sinan assumed the role of “locomotive” and shouldered multiple tasks. Counting the number of people, transporting materials, connecting with the community, planning the route according to the location, assigning posts, coordinating the work of each sampling point, picking up the sampling team… Recently, Chen Sinan went out in the early morning and went home in the middle of the night every day, and even once Continued to fight for 25 hours. “Sometimes I’m really busy, but the epidemic situation is tight. As a party member, I must charge ahead.” Chen Sinan said.

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Chen Sinan’s fiancée, Xie Yunqi, is a doctor of training and lives in Hong Kong. Affected by the epidemic, she has not gone back for three years. “We must defeat this damn virus.” With this belief, Xie Yunqi has been sticking to the front line to do nucleic acid sampling for residents.

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Chen Sinan’s mother is a nurse. Work under load. From April 2nd, he will enter the shelter isolation point with the medical team to work. Chen Sinan’s father is a Chinese pharmacist. He usually sticks to the hospital position. On weekends, he takes the initiative to serve as a community volunteer to assist in nucleic acid sampling. “I often listen to the three front-line volunteers at home discussing how the residents should cooperate to complete the sampling work more efficiently and safely, and I have accumulated a lot of experience, so I use them all in the community volunteer work.” Dad Chen said .

According to statistics, From March 2 to April 8, Songjiang District Central Hospital sent a total of 6,593 people to participate in emergency nucleic acid sampling, including many anti-epidemic families like Chen Sinan’s family.

Text: Song Chong correspondent Jin Luyun

Photo: Photo courtesy of the interviewee

Editor: Jia Li Shen Lina

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