Listen to the remedies without taking medicine, blood sugar is more than 20, feet are ulcerated

As soon as I arrived at Corey in the morning, Dr. Liu saw several female colleagues gathered together and whispered. Looking at the meaning, I didn’t figure out anything good.

Sure enough, after the morning meeting, the attending doctor arranged a special operation for Dr. Liu.

The reason why this operation is special is that it is mainly an amputation operation.

Under normal circumstances, doctors are willing to replant patients, and who would like to amputate!

The most important thing is that the patrol nurses are all girls. Amputated limbs are usually taken out by an anesthesiologist.

So, doing this kind of anesthesia will not feel good.

Dr. Zhang, who was in charge of the visit, introduced the results of the preoperative visit to Dr. Liu in detail.

Hearing Dr. Zhang’s introduction, Dr. Liu was in a bad mood: in his cognition, how could there be such a confused person?

The reason why this patient has reached the level of amputation can be said to be completely caused by ignorance.

More than ten years ago, during the physical examination, it was found that the blood sugar was too high.

From the current point of view, if the system is treated, there is a complete opportunity to control blood sugar without drug treatment.

However, she did not believe what the doctor said. Turning around, he went to find a “Tu Langzhong” and got some remedies.

According to what the native said, eating this recipe and keeping it can control blood sugar.

Perhaps psychoactive, she seemed to feel refreshed after taking the medicine. She hasn’t even checked her blood sugar since.

Until last year, her feet were sore and itchy. Not only that, the toes of both feet were ulcerated and bleeding to varying degrees.

Seeing such a situation, she naively thought that it must be caused by not taking the remedies on time.

A few months later, when her two toes turned black, she was persuaded by her family to go to the hospital.

Seeing such a condition, the doctor immediately asked her to be hospitalized.

However, she was worried that the hospitalization would cost a lot of money, and lied that she would go home and deal with the family affairs before being hospitalized. As a result, gone forever. As a doctor, it is impossible to force her to be hospitalized.

Just like that, she took painkillers at home and was hospitalized until she couldn’t take it anymore.

After admission, doctors found that both of her toes had been blackened. Dry gangrene, to be exact. Even more surprising, her blood sugar reached over 20!

Seeing such a patient, everyone in Corey wanted to talk about her. However, at this time, people are already sick, and they can only condemn such ignorance in their hearts.

After system adjustment, I finally adjusted my blood sugar to an acceptable level. A date was chosen, and the amputation was going to be done.

Don’t look at the fact that people spent more than 100,000 yuan on home remedies, but it was terrible when they were hospitalized.

In terms of anesthesia, both general anesthesia and partial anesthesia can be used for this operation. However, she didn’t care which anesthesia was better at all, she only looked at the price. As soon as I heard that the two kinds of anesthesia cost half the money, I insisted on half anesthesia.

For such an operation, the implementation of half anesthesia is actually a bit cruel.

Think about it, when you are awake, you hear the doctor amputating the toes with a knife and scissors, that is a kind of How do you feel!

During the anesthesia, Dr. Liu was worried that she would also be traumatized, and gave her a sedative.

She just woke up after the surgery.

Finding that she fell asleep, she was not concerned about the operation at the first time, and suspected that Dr. Liu gave her general anesthesia.

Dr. Liu explained repeatedly that other colleagues also promised to do half anesthesia, so she stopped making trouble.

After she left the operating room, everyone could not help but sigh: This is really a miser! However, people are so generous to the remedies! well!

[Warm reminder] Please pay attention, here are a lot of professional medical science, to reveal the secrets of surgical anesthesia~