Limited “Bingguang style” hit the screen! Chinese medicine shouts: don’t mess around

Recently, a new variety with the name of “coffee” appeared. Guangdong limited “Bingguang style” to swipe the Internet. In fact, it is to pour herbal tea in ice cubes, and even some netizens directly put Xia Sangju, Banlangen, The granules of five flower tea and other granules are poured into ice water and mixed well to drink. For those with bigger “brain holes”, coffee, juice and even various small ingredients will be added. However, is this drink really “dampening” and “healthy”?

Herbal tea is not “tea”, Chinese herbal soup is also

People living in the Lingnan area have the habit of drinking herbal tea in summer and autumn. This is because Lingnan was a place of miasma in history and belongs to a typical subtropical climate. Summer is hot, rainy and humid, the water quality tends to be hot and dry, and the high temperature in summer is long, which is easy to cause gastrointestinal disorders. In addition, if you stay up late at work, eat spicy and heavy food, you will inevitably get angry and sore on the tongue to varying degrees. , sore throat, poor appetite and other symptoms, coupled with traditional medicine believes that drinking herbal tea properly can really clear away heat and relieve heat, remove dampness and detoxify, so naturally a variety of herbal tea cultures have been formed.

Everyone drinks herbal tea and sees that its efficacy is not fake, but it returns to the essence of herbal tea. Is herbal tea really tea?

Zheng Yanhua, deputy director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Panyu District, made it clear that herbal tea is not tea in the true sense, but a medicinal soup made from Chinese herbal medicines. The efficacy shown is that herbal tea is basically made of Chinese herbal medicines with sweet or bitter cold, so it has the functions of clearing heat, dehumidification, promoting body fluid and reducing fire.

It is important to drink herbal tea, so don’t mess around

Zheng Yanhua believes that all kinds of homemade dark herbal teas that are swiped on major social network platforms, such as iced or self-added excessive sugar and honey , or other beverages or drugs, improper use will not only consume body qi, block spleen yang, cause abdominal distension, diarrhea, loss of appetite, lack of spirit and other discomforts, but also may produce toxic side effects. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine does not recommend long-term, large-scale, Continue drinking.

Drinking herbal tea, pay attention to the season, constitution, medicinal materials and the temperature of brewing, all of which are indispensable.

First of all, we must grasp the season and frequency of drinking herbal tea. In the second season of summer and autumn, drink herbal tea, about twice a week, and should not drink too much each time, not on an empty stomach or before going to bed.

Secondly, depending on one’s physique, not everyone is suitable for drinking herbal tea. For example, children, pregnant women, menstruating women, people who are prone to diarrhea, and those who are recovering from serious illnesses are not suitable to drink herbal tea. According to Chinese medicine, if you don’t identify your physical constitution and drink it casually, it will not only be unhealthy for your health, but it will even damage the yang qi of the human body.

Again, you can choose the type of herbal tea according to the symptoms and the doctor’s advice. Generally speaking, if you have a sore throat, sore, hoarse throat and obvious symptoms of getting angry, you can choose dandelion, honeysuckle, Herbal tea with medicinal herbs such as chrysanthemum; if you sweat a lot and suffer from heat stroke, you can try chrysanthemum water, horseshoe water, mung bean soup and winter melon soup. If you have indigestion, belly bloating and no appetite, you can consider drinking five-flower tea, Ganhe tea, etc.

Finally, it is best to remove the “ice” in Bingguang style, because too cold will damage the spleen and stomach. Warm herbal tea has a better effect, and is more conducive to purging fire, clearing heat, detoxifying, strengthening the spleen and eliminating dampness.

The doctor recommends the following “beautiful herbal teas” to help everyone dispel dampness and maintain health in summer:

①Clearing heat and eliminating stagnation bergamot tangerine peel tea

Materials: 10 grams of tangerine peel , 10 grams of hawthorn, 10 grams of bergamot.

Method: It can be boiled or soaked in water, boiled for 5 minutes, and it is best to brew with boiling water. Wash the dried tangerine peel, hawthorn, and bergamot, tear them into small pieces, put them in a tea cup, brew with boiling water, cover the cup and simmer for 10 minutes, then drink.

It can strengthen the stomach and eliminate stagnation, promote qi and resolve phlegm, especially suitable for people with poor appetite in summer.

②Dendrobium tea

Materials: 10 grams of American ginseng slices, 10 grams of Dendrobium, and 3-5 grams of Schisandra.

Method: Brew the above herbs with boiling water, cover and simmer for 10 minutes as a substitute for tea.

Benefits qi and promotes body fluid, nourishes yin and stops sweating, and is suitable for people with dry tongue, shortness of breath, fatigue, and sweating.

③Peilan Huoxiang Tea

Materials: 10 grams of Peilan, 10 grams of Huoxiang, and 5 grams of tea leaves.

Method: Boil in boiling water, then cover and simmer for about 5 minutes. Then pour into a glass to cool and drink warm.

It can dispel dampness and relieve the surface, especially suitable for people who are dizzy, dizzy, and poor in appetite in hot and humid days.

④Zhuru Reed Root Tea

Materials: 20 grams each of Zhu Ru and Reed Root, and 2-3 slices of ginger.

Method: Chop the medicinal materials, soak in boiling water for 10 minutes or decocted for 5 minutes, let cool and drink warm.

Can clear fire and reduce inversion. Suitable for people with bad breath, bitter taste, thirst, or with retching and hiccups.

Source: Yangcheng Evening News