Lilin Primary School: Refuse Junk Food, Safe and Healthy Eating

Primary school students are a critical period for healthy growth. In order to improve students’ health knowledge and advocate scientific diet, at noon on March 14th, on the occasion of the “315 International Consumer Rights Day”, Lilin Primary School launched a “No Junk Food, Safe and Healthy Eating” theme event.

The teacher first taught the students how to distinguish “three no foods”, “junk food” and “nutritious food”, showing the ” “Nutrition Pyramid” model, which explains in detail the daily intake of various nutritious foods, as well as the main characteristics of junk food and the harm to the human body. At the same time, students are also taught to read the food safety signs and pay attention to the shelf life when buying food, especially not to buy three-no food, and not to eat spoiled food. In daily consumption, educate students to report fake and shoddy goods to teachers, industry and commerce, consumer associations and other departments in a timely manner. Afterwards, everyone put together dozens of nutritious foods and junk foods, and let the students distinguish and classify them. In the end, “spicy sticks” were rated as the “junk food king” that is often eaten, and fresh foods such as fruits, vegetables, fresh milk, etc. Won the “green nutritious food”, beverages, instant noodles and other foods were identified as “food to eat less”. In the end, the students put junk food such as spicy sticks into the garbage bin together, saying that in the future, I will start from me and stop eating junk food.

I believe that through this activity, children will be able to develop a pair of sharp eyes, improve their ability to distinguish between true and false, and protect their health. grow up healthily.