Light fasting is popular, and proper “starving” is also a kind of health preservation

Light fasting is popular

In recent years, light fasting has become popular all over the world, setting off a trend.

Experts pointed out that light fasting is also called “intermittent fasting”, which means to eat normally and sometimes eat less. Fasting is not simply starving, but an opportunity for us to change our way of life and a way to communicate with the body. It is helpful for people to restrain greed, escape temptation, and conduct scientifically, which is beneficial to the body and mind.

uncontrolled diet

is harmful >

Modern medicine believes that diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, paralysis, dementia, etc. Diseases are closely related to uncontrolled diet.

1. Obesity< /strong>

The high-fat and high-protein foods that modern people often eat are more difficult to digest, and excess “nutrients” accumulate in the body. It is obesity and a series of diseases of wealth.

“Countless scientific studies have confirmed that obesity can cause cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, fatty liver, arteriosclerosis, cholecystitis, etc. Complications may reach hundreds, which is very scary.” The expert said.

2, stomach disease p>

The direct harm caused by overeating is the increased burden on the gastrointestinal tract and indigestion.

In addition, human gastric mucosa epithelial cells have a short life span and should be repaired every 2-3 days. If the last meal has not been digested, and the next meal fills the stomach again, the stomach is always in a full state, and the gastric mucosa will not be easily repaired.

The stomach secretes a large amount of gastric juice, which will destroy the gastric mucosal barrier, resulting in gastric inflammation and indigestion symptoms. In the long-term, diseases such as gastric erosion and gastric ulcer may also occur.

3. Intestinal disease

Scientists have found that fat clogged in the intestines can cause intestinal blockage, black and bloody stools.

4, fatigue

Excessive satiety will cause the brain to respond slowly and accelerate the aging of the brain. After people are full, the blood in the body goes to the gastrointestinal system to “work”, which is easy for people to be in a state of fatigue and drowsiness for a long time.

5. Neurasthenia

Dinner is too full, The bulging stomach and intestines will compress the surrounding organs, so that the excited “waves” spread to other parts of the cerebral cortex, causing neurasthenia.


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The benefits of proper starvation

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Losing Weight

Research shows that weekly 2-day light fasting can reduce the weight, body fat rate and waist-to-hip ratio of obese people. Most men will lose 5-7 kg in weight after a week of scientifically and rationally restricting their diet, and women will lose 3-5 kg.


Helps control blood sugar

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A study published in the World Journal of Diabetes pointed out that fasting is a safe dietary intervention that improves fasting and postprandial blood sugar levels.

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Relieve negative emotions

A foreign study found that 52 cases of More than 80% of patients with chronic pain experienced relief from depression and anxiety after a two-week fast.



The research published in the journal “Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine” pointed out that light fasting can promote blood circulation, which is conducive to enhancing the blood oxygen supply of whole body tissues.


Reduces “Bad Cholesterol”

Published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Research in the Journal shows that fasting reduces “bad cholesterol” and triglyceride levels without affecting “good cholesterol” levels.

Therefore, in Taoist health care methods, it is often mentioned that ” “. Abstaining from eating grains is too illusory and unfeasible for all living beings. But it can be seen that eating a little less, eating seven servings is more satiety. Of courseNote that special groups such as children during growth and development, pregnant women, and patients are excluded.

As the saying goes, “people are iron, rice is steel, and if you don’t eat a meal, you will be hungry.” I always thought that eating enough food every day is a healthy way of eating.

Modern people are rich in material life, but they always ignore the principle of “overfilling is overflowing”. Appropriate starvation is to reduce life and reduce “wastes”, so as to make the body easier and live longer and healthier.

Source: This article comes from People’s Daily, Health China and the Internet , the pictures are comprehensively from the Internet; if copyright is involved, please inform us, we remain neutral to the views in the text and are for reference and exchange only.