Li Xiaoli, deputy to the National People’s Congress: I am calling for a reduction in the cost of dental implants.

China Youth Daily Client News (China Youth Daily China Youth Network reporter Li Guijie) A few days ago, a representative of the National People’s Congress, an Anhui model worker, Hefei Fenghua Auto Parts Co., Ltd. Dispatcher Li Xiaoli was particularly excited. She released a piece of good news in the circle of friends: During the two sessions in 2021, the “Suggestions on Standardizing the Collection of Dental Implant Materials Costs and Incorporating Their Treatment and Service Costs into Medical Insurance as Much as Possible” received a response from the National Medical Security Administration a few days ago: At present, the opinions of clinics, enterprises and local governments have been widely listened to, and the dental implant centralized procurement plan is basically mature, and will strive to be implemented in some areas in the first half of this year.

Li Xiaoli at work.

In an interview with a reporter from China Youth Daily, Li Xiaoli said: “As a grassroots representative of the National People’s Congress, I take this identity Take it as your own honor and mission, and strive to help the people reflect public opinion.”

“I have the same advice on dental implants. My own experience is related.” In January 2021, Li Xiaoli went to the hospital for a toothache. After the doctor’s diagnosis, the doctor suggested that she have 3 teeth implanted, but the expensive implant price discouraged her. “The average cost of dental implant treatment is between 6,000 yuan and 25,000 yuan. I think it’s too expensive. If a patient has a full-mouth dental implant, it is equivalent to buying a suite in the county.”

Li Xiaoli collected first-hand data after visiting and researching hospitals and dental clinics, and finally wrote this article that was “hot searched” on the Internet. suggestion.

After the two sessions in 2021, Li Xiaoli received a letter from the founder of a chain of dental clinics. The entrepreneur agreed with her advice, sharing her industry views on lowering the price of dental implants in the letter.

In July 2021, Li Xiaoli received a reply letter from the National Health Commission; in September of the same year, the National Medical Insurance The bureau also responded to the recommendations on its official website.

“I did not expect that, as a grassroots representative of the NPC and CPPCC, a suggestion would receive a serious reply from the relevant department. And attention, which makes me very motivated.” Li Xiaoli always carries a notebook in her carry-on bag. In the past 4 years, Li Xiaoli has used up 7 of them.

“January 2018 to the end of August, 2018 From September 2019 to March 9, 2019…” Li Xiaoli marked the time and serial number on the cover of each performance notebook for easy reference.

Li Xiaoli is a skilled worker. During her 16 years working in Hefei Fenghua Auto Parts Co., Ltd. She has worked in planing, metalworking, riveting… The products sent by her in the workshop are 100% qualified; the tasks assigned to her by the company are 100% completed on time, according to quality and quantity.

In January 2018, with her solid work style and excellent professional skills, Li Xiaoli won the honor of Anhui Province, City model worker and other honorary titles, and was elected to the National People’s Congress. She took root at the grassroots level, visited and conducted research in communities and villages, and continuously conveyed the voice of the grassroots to the National Two Sessions.

A few years ago, Li Xiaoli also led the establishment of Feidong County Model Workers Volunteer Service Team. Today, the service team has grown from an initial 5 to 160. “By volunteering, I can reach more people, listen to the voices of employees, and collect the expectations of the grassroots,” she said.

In the past four years, Li Xiaoli has submitted a total of 21 proposals, which involve the renovation of old communities, employee rights and interests, social security In terms of policies and other aspects, these “first-line voices” have also witnessed the continuous improvement of her ability to perform her duties.

Usually, when Li Xiaoli is free, she will come to the company’s new energy vehicle parts production line to meet with coworkers. They exchanged the latest technical issues in the production and manufacture of new energy vehicles. In her daily work research, she found that the small number of charging facilities is one of the main reasons for restricting the purchase demand of new energy vehicles. Therefore, at the two sessions this year, Li Xiaoli intends to put forward her own suggestions in terms of coordinating the planning and layout of charging piles and opening up special parking lots for new energy vehicles.

In addition, Li Xiaoli is also preparing to submit the “Suggestions on Extending the Spring Festival Holiday by Two to Three Days” at the National People’s Congress this year. There are 9 suggestions including “Suggestions on “Centralized Purchasing” to Reduce the Price of Infant Milk Powder and Alleviating the Burden of Family Parenting” and “Suggestions on “Regulating the Management of Nursery Services to Prevent Capitalization”.

Source: China Youth Daily Client

[Source: China Youth Daily]

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