“Leukemia” specifically chooses children to start? The doctor advises: these 3 kinds of fruits, eat less for children

Leukemia originates from abnormal hematopoietic system, proliferating new tumors, leukemia generally occurs in adolescents, and extends according to physical constitution, and the incidence rate increases over time , Uncontrolled for a long time, will produce deterioration, leukemia is divided into myeloid leukemia and lymphocytic leukemia.

Acute leukemia manifests as blasts that over time develop in large numbers Harmful cells, according to the data, the number of people suffering from leukemia in my country has reached tens of thousands, and leukemia has become a very common blood disease now.

Why does leukemia “select” children?

1. Children with low immunity

The strength of a person’s immunity is related to many reasons, among which there is a certain relationship with age. Before the age of 10, the child’s immunity is not fully developed, and many immune abilities Incomplete, which is why children at this age are prone to leukemia.

2. Height causes air inhalation problems

Compared with adults, the height of children is obviously not dominant. Compared with the lower position, they can breathe the air in the lower reaches of the air, which is the bane of leukemia. One of them is formaldehyde, which is widely suspended in the middle and lower reaches of the air, so children are prone to leukemia.

3. Gene influence

The child’s leukemia is related to genetic factors to a certain extent. In the case of chromosomal malformation and chromosomal mutation, the child is likely to develop leukemia. Therefore, the process of preventing leukemia requires active screening. Reasonable methods to prevent the occurrence of leukemia, otherwise leukemia finds children, it will cause great harm to the body, and may threaten life and health when the disease deteriorates.

Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the physical examination, and to know whether there is any health problem in the body through the physical examination method. Leukemia requires prompt treatment.

4. Some inferior toys

< p data-track="12">You need to know that there are various kinds of toys on the market. Many parents think that they are just toys, and you can buy similar ones. Children are prone to biting, and sometimes they can’t help but pick up toys and bite.

If the quality of toys bought by parents for their children is not up to standard, this type of material will add a lot of chemical ingredients , naturally there will be poisoning, the risk of suffering from leukemia.

The doctor recommends: these 3 kinds of fruits, advise parents to give their children less food

One: Rotten Fruit

Many parents save money. When they find that the fruit is rotten, they will cut off the rotten parts, and then give the good ones to their children. In fact, this approach is not right.Fruit appears Rotten, it means that the fruit has rotten bacteria, which is easy to contaminate the whole fruit, appear Aspergillus flavus, often eat it, affect the organs, and even cause cancer.

Second: Waxing Fruits

When buying fruit, you need to pay attention, it looks like fruit The surface is translucent and smooth, and it will be quite delicate and smooth to the touch, which makes people have a desire to buy. This kind of wax belongs to industrial wax, not edible wax. Excessive consumption can easily make it difficult for the body to decompose and seriously affect physical health.

Adults may be able to resist effectively, and once ingested by children, it will increase the chance of disease Therefore, if there are related waxed fruits, they must be cleaned, put into water, soaked for a long time, and then peeled to prevent pesticide residues and threaten the health of children.

Third: Ripe Fruit

In order to meet the needs of consumers, there are a lot of off-season fruits on the market. Generally speaking, off-season fruits are grown in greenhouses. This method requires a certain period of time.

Comparatively speaking, the cost is high, and many bad businesses, In order to take the lead in the market, the fruit is ripened by the method of industrial ripening. This kind of ripening agent contains industrial ingredients, and children’s frequent consumption will lead to premature maturity, increase the risk of disease, and the possibility of leukemia.
