Let’s talk about a recipe for angina pectoris, if the liver qi is activated, the heart qi is not blocked, and the myocardial infarction will disappear.

In today’s article, I want to continue talking about angina pectoris.

Yesterday there was an article about angina pectoris. The main cause was liver depression. Many friends did not understand it. Most of my friends felt that heart problems had little to do with the liver.

Today, I will continue to analyze it for you, so as to deepen your understanding of the idea of ​​TCM regulating angina pectoris.

Stop talking, let me analyze a case for you.

There is a man who is 36 years old.

Originally, he was in good health at a young age.

But recently, due to his father’s critical illness, his heart was very sad and overwhelmed, so one morning, he suddenly suffered from colic pain in the left heart and chest, involving pain in the left shoulder and back. , and the chest tightness and suffocation, the limbs are cold, and the cold sweat is dripping. At the same time, dizziness, fatigue, dizziness.

He immediately took some western medicines for heart disease, which did not work well.

Later, under the guidance of a community doctor, I took some western medicine and felt relieved, so I rushed to a Chinese medicine hospital for treatment.

At the time of diagnosis, the patient was found to have chest tightness and chest pain, distended flank ribs, dizziness, upset, restless sleep, dark red tongue, thin yellow coating, and slippery pulse.

When asked about the cause, the patient stated that he used to be in good health. Since his father was critically ill, he had been sighing all night long, and other trivial matters at home were not going well, so he developed the disease.

The doctor nodded and wrote a combination, please take a look-

Buihu, Baishao , Fried Citrus aurantium, Chuanxiong, Cyperus officinalis, Tulip, Safflower, Danpi, Salvia, Pueraria, Gualou, Shuijianbi.

As a result, after taking 3 doses of medicine, the symptoms were greatly relieved. A total of 46 doses were taken before and after, and the electrocardiogram returned to normal.

As I write this, smart readers may have guessed that this is another case of Shugan Jieyu treatment of coronary heart disease.

Yes. I mean exactly that. Through this small case, I want to tell all my readers and friends a truth – myocardial infarction and angina pectoris are often caused by “inactive liver qi”.

Your liver qi is activated, your heart qi will not be blocked, and the myocardial infarction will disappear.

How do you say this? Look at this patient, who is only 36 years old and in good health. It was because he was anxious to take care of his dying father that he got a heart attack.

In a word, his liver is depressed! The pulse is stringy, the tongue coating is thin and yellow, and the tongue is dark red. These are all images of liver stagnation and qi stagnation.

Stagnation of Liver Qi will result in poor blood flow. Qi stagnation and blood stasis will inevitably lead to myocardial infarction and angina pectoris.

What should I do at this time? On the basis of soothing the liver and relieving stagnation, promoting qi and dissipating stagnation, it is necessary to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis.

Soothing the liver and resolving stagnation is the foundation, and promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis is the standard.

You understand this, the meaning of the above compatibility, you can understand at a glance.

Bupleurum, Paeonia lactiflora, Citrus aurantium, Chuanxiong, Cyperus officinalis, and turmeric, which promote Qi and relieve depression. Safflower, Danpi, Salvia, Pueraria lobata, Gualou, this is the blood circulation. Among them, kudzu, modern pharmacological studies have found that it has the effect of expanding the tube.

Of course, although this combination is scientific and representative, it may not be suitable for everyone. The purpose of my writing this is to give the big guys some inspiration.

Interested friends, you can save it, and in the future, you can add and subtract applications under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners. I dare say that if the dialectical is accurate, it still works relatively well.

Secondly, I would like to tell my readers and friends that there are ten myocardial infarctions and angina pectoris, and five are caused by liver stagnation and qi stagnation. This is definitely not an exaggeration.

Therefore, people who know that their heart is not very good should not be angry, and should not be sad and depressed for a long time. Many patients with angina pectoris and myocardial infarction may develop the disease when they are under the background of long-term unhappiness.

It seems that there is no reason, but it has been around for a long time. This is a piece of advice from the bottom of my heart, I hope you don’t let it fall by the wayside.

Okay, that’s all.