Let your teeth enjoy an elegant bath! Take you to remove all doubts about “cleaning your teeth”!

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We may be full of doubts and even fears about cleaning our teeth, should we clean our teeth? Can teeth whitening whiten teeth? Are there any side effects of teeth cleaning? Will my teeth loosen after cleaning? Here we will answer these questions from medical principles and clear up doubts!

Teeth, Oral Health

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Indications for scaling

1. Gingivitis, periodontitis

Scaling is the main treatment method for gingivitis and the first step in periodontal treatment. The vast majority of chronic gingivitis can be treated by scaling, while periodontitis requires subgingival scaling and other treatments on the basis of scaling. Scaling is the most basic treatment for periodontal disease.

2. Preventive therapy

A large number of studies have confirmed , For patients who have received periodontal treatment, in addition to adhering to self-plaque control during the maintenance period, regular scaling (usually 6 months to 1 year) to remove bacteria that have not been cleaned. Plaque and calculus are important measures to maintain periodontal health and prevent the occurrence or recurrence of gingivitis and periodontitis.

3. Preparation for other intraoral treatments

If the missing teeth are repaired, scaling is performed before the impression is taken to remove the supragingival calculus of the abutment and adjacent teeth, which can make the impression more accurate and make the denture more suitable. Some intraoral surgeries, such as tumor resection, jaw resection, and dental implant surgery, require preoperative scaling to ensure cleanliness around the operating area and eliminate hidden dangers of infection. Scaling should also be done before and during orthodontic treatment to eliminate existing gingivitis and prevent gingivitis from occurring during orthodontic treatment.

Contraindications for

1. Pacemakers< /span> Ultrasonic cleaning cannot be performed. The interference of electromagnetic radiation can cause abnormal operation of the pacemaker, resulting in symptoms such as dizziness and heart rate disorder.

2. Patients with certain acute infectious diseases, such as acute hepatitis Active stage, tuberculosis patients, etc., should also wait for the disease to stabilize before going to the hospital for cleaning.

3. Suffering from active angina pectoris, myocardial infarction within six months, and uncontrolled hypertension and heart failure, etc. should be treated with caution.

4. Have various bleeding disorders, such as thrombocytopenia, Patients with leukemia, uncontrolled type 3 diabetes, uncontrolled hyperthyroidism, etc. can take drugs that promote blood coagulation before cleaning their teeth to control the speed of blood coagulation and reduce bleeding.

5. Patients with acute inflammation or tumor in local soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity, Cleaning should be done with caution, and cleaning can be performed after the acute inflammation subsides. Patients with tumors should be treated under the guidance of an oral surgeon.

6. Pregnant women should undergo a thorough oral examination and treatment prior to pregnancy. Cleaning your teeth during pregnancy (especially the first and last 3 months) increases the chance of miscarriage.

What is the procedure for cleaning teeth?

1. Intraoral Disinfection

Rinse with mouthwash for one minute , to reduce bacteria and prevent the occurrence of bacteremia.

2. Cleaning

Through ultrasonic high-frequency vibration or manual scaling, etc. way to goIt can effectively prevent and control bleeding gums and loose teeth.

3. Polishing

Dip a very soft rubber cup or brush, etc. A toothpaste-like polishing paste (a paste containing fine sand) is rubbed at a low speed on the tooth surface, which can remove scratches from the tooth and make the surface of the tooth very smooth. In this way, the smooth teeth are not easy to adhere to the dental plaque, and prevent the formation of dental calculus from remineralization and deposition.

4. Medication

There will be some tiny wounds on the gums on the teeth , through “periodontal medicated bath”, use special syrup (commonly used iodine glycerin, its mechanism of action is to denature and die of bacterial protein, and kill bacteria, fungi and viruses.) to soothe and care for the gums, It acts as an anti-inflammatory and protects the gums.

Cleaning Questions


1. Do you need to brush your teeth carefully?

The answer is no.

Because plaque builds up so fast, new plaque can adhere to clean tooth surfaces within half an hour, reaching a maximum within 30 days. What’s more, the vast majority of people do not master the correct brushing method, and cannot completely remove the plaque and deposits on the surface of the teeth, especially the gaps between the teeth and the hidden parts such as the lingual side of the lower front teeth, which are easy to form dental calculus. Therefore, everyone should visit a hospital periodontist regularly for cleanings.

2. Can cleaning teeth whiten?

Normal people’s teeth are surrounded by a layer of transparent enamel surrounded by pale yellow dentin, so the light transmittance of enamel determines that part of the color of dentin can be seen through , so the color of normal teeth is slightly yellow, not the pure white of the model in the ad.

In daily life, some pigments will inevitably accumulate on the surface of teeth, especially those who like to drink dark drinks and smoke, these pigments will affect the appearance of teeth. The toothbrush removes these late-formed pigments on the teeth, revealing their original color, a pale yellow.

So, teeth cleaning can “whiten” some pigmented teeth; patients who are not satisfied with the color of their teeth can use cold light whitening, aesthetic restoration and other techniques Improve the color of teeth.

3. Does cleaning hurt your teeth?

Regular and professional dental cleaning is not harmful to teeth. The outermost layer of the teeth is enamel, which is very hard and will not be damaged by the correct use of the ultrasonic tip; the rubber wheel used for polishing is soft and will not cause abrasion to the teeth.

4. Will cleaning make the gap between teeth bigger?

Many people think that the gap between the teeth will become larger or even loose after cleaning, but this is actually an illusion after the calculus is removed. It turns out that the presence of dental calculus occupies the gap between the teeth and compresses the gums to cause the gums to recede. After cleaning the teeth to remove the calculus, the original gap between the teeth is revealed. This is the restoration of the true face of the teeth, not the damage caused by cleaning.

5. What should I do if my teeth are sensitive after cleaning?

Dental calculus is like a thick cotton jacket that wraps around the surface of the tooth. After the calculus is removed by scaling, the teeth are directly exposed to the stimulation of the external environment, and some symptoms of sensitivity will appear. With healthy teeth, the sensitivity will gradually disappear within one to two weeks, and the patient does not need to be overly nervous.

6. Why do I need to polish my teeth after cleaning? Is this step necessary?

After removing the calculus attached to it, the surface of the tooth is not smooth, leaving pigment and fine calculus. If the tooth surface is not polished, under the catalysis of calcium salts in saliva, dental calculus will be deposited on the rough surface of the tooth surface faster than before. Therefore, the teeth must be polished after cleaning to make the surface of the teeth smooth, in order to better achieve the effect of cleaning.

7. How often is it better to have a dental cleaning? ?

General people can have their teeth cleaned once every six months to a year, and patients with periodontal disease can have their teeth checked every 3 months, or as directed by a doctor.

Source of content:

People’s Health Publishing House publishes “Tooth Care Guide— Dentist Secrets Only Known by Dentists”

Editor-in-Chief: Yu Haiyang

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