Let the “heart” door restart! A case of low-weight and high-risk complex and severe valve replacement was successfully completed in the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery of Sunshine Fusion Hospital

[Source: Dazhong.com]

“Director Zheng, thank you for saving my wife! After so many years, her spirit has never been better!” The patient The family members were full of tears as they stood at the door of the operating room and clenched the doctor’s hand in thanks.

Recently, the Department of Cardiovascular and Major Vascular Surgery of Sunshine Fusion Hospital successfully completed a low-weight and high-risk complex and severe valve replacement.

The patient is a 56-year-old woman with rheumatic heart disease for more than 20 years. Her daily light activities lead to dyspnea, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. He was hospitalized for frequent heart failure attacks in the local area, and was later admitted to the Cardiac and Great Vascular Surgery Department of the hospital. When he came to the hospital, his weight was only 42kg.

After admission, the examination prompts were: severe mitral stenosis, massive tricuspid regurgitation, maximum left atrial diameter >100mm, the left ventricle was very small only 29mm, the heart was enlarged significantly, and the cardiothoracic ratio was 0.9. “The proportion of the patient’s heart in the transverse diameter of the thoracic cavity is almost 100%, while that of normal people is about 45%, and more than 70% is a huge heart. The patient’s physique is very thin, and the condition is serious and rare. The huge right ventricle and severe pulmonary hypertension can be seen at any time. Faced with life-threatening, and prone to low cardiac output syndrome after surgery, the risk is very high, but surgery is the only way to solve this disease.” Director Zheng Jianwei said.

Before the operation, Director Zheng Jianwei conducted a comprehensive assessment for the patient, organized a consultation to discuss the patient’s condition and formulated a surgical plan. In the case of high risk and technical difficulty, patients and their families give full trust to medical staff.

After active preoperative preparation, Director Zheng Jianwei led the Cardiac and Great Vessel Surgery Team in the anesthesia operating room, blood transfusion department and other departments. With full cooperation, it took 4 hours to successfully complete the “Mechanical Mitral Valve Replacement with Leaflet Preservation + Tricuspid Valvuloplasty + Implantation of Right Ventricular Surface Temporary Pacemaker”. The tracheal intubation was pulled out within 24 days after the operation, and the patient returned to the general ward after his vital signs were stable. After two weeks of drug treatment and routine care, the patient recovered well.

The successful implementation of this high-risk, complex and severe valve replacement demonstrates the outstanding performance of the Cardiac and Great Vascular Surgery Team of Sunshine Fusion Hospital. The comprehensive ability and superb technical level also mark the hospital’s new level in the treatment of complex heart diseases.

“The spirit is getting better and better, even walking and eating There will be a feeling of suffocation and powerlessness. Director Zheng leads the team of doctors to round the room every day, and head nurse Wang Xiaoyan is like family and relatives to us. Here, not only is the disease cured, but also warm and joyful , Thank you for Sunshine Harmony Hospital.” The patient said with satisfaction.

Sincere, sincere and moved. In the face of life and death, on the one hand, there are patients suffering from diseases, and on the other hand, there are complex and serious illnesses. Ronghe doctors do their best to treat them, and the patients have 100% trust and affirmation. There is sunshine in the heart and strength under the feet. Sunshine Harmony shoulders heavy responsibilities with strong shoulders, and uses warm words and deeds to make the doctor-patient relationship more harmonious and warm.

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