Laxative than sweet potatoes, lowers lipids than taro, eat twice a week, blood sugar is stable, liver is good, eat more after 50 years old

When people reach middle-aged and old age, with the increase of age, the overall metabolism of the body slows down, which is the reason why many middle-aged and elderly people gain weight. Legs and feet are no longer as quick as they were when they were young, so you need to pay more attention to daily travel and diet.

Especially in the diet Above, keep your mouth shut, eat less unhealthy food, and don’t need any health supplements in your daily diet. The most important thing is to eat more natural and healthy ingredients.

Today I will introduce some The natural health-preserving ingredients in life, they can be used for cooking and tea, and they are also “health-preserving medicines” in ancient books!

Protect gastrointestinal vasodilators

“Vegetable Ginseng” Burdock Root

The burdock, which looks a lot like the iron stick yam, is not as “famous” as the iron stick yam, but it is covered with Treasure, is a hidden “natural tonic” in Taiwan, and it is also eaten as a vegetable on a daily basis.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that burdock Cool in nature and pungent in taste, it has the effects of clearing away heat and detoxification, soothing wind and soothing the throat, and reducing swelling. “Compendium of Materia Medica” records that burdock can “pass the twelve meridians and remove the qi of the five internal organs”, and “Famous Doctors” also called it “long-term use”. Lightweight and resistant to aging”.

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< span>Promote colon motility

There is a kind of fiber in the burdock root, which can help promote the peristalsis of the large intestine, which helps to It can also help reduce cholesterol in the body and toxins and wastes accumulated in the body. Therefore, drinking burdock root tea often can not only help promote large intestine peristalsis, but also achieve the effect of lowering cholesterol and detoxification.

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< span>Brain & Puzzle

In burdock root, in addition to a lot of cellulose, it also contains a lot of amino acids, and the content of amino acids Very high, such as calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron, etc., these amino acids have a very good effect on the brain.

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< span>Vascular dilation and blood pressure reduction

Arctium root contains a lot of orthochloric acid, mucilage and caffeic acid and other substances, these elements can It plays a good role in dilating blood vessels and lowering blood pressure, and also has an antibacterial effect. When blood vessels are dilated, it can prevent arteriosclerosis or increased blood lipids. In this way, it can help prevent the occurrence of high blood lipids and high blood pressure.

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< span>Burdock can be eaten as a vegetable

Fresh burdock is usually used in vegetables. After peeling, it can be cold, fried, or cooked in soup. Yes The “beef dish” recognized by health experts.

Burdock SteakBone Broth

[Materials] 1 burdock, half a catty of pork ribs, a little salt and flavor.

[How to do] ① Cut the ribs into pieces, blanch them in boiling water for a while, fish out. ②Peel the burdock and cut into hob blocks or slices, soak in vinegar water to prevent discoloration. ③ Add water to the casserole and cook until it boils, add the ribs, bring to a boil over high heat, and continue to cook on low heat for one and a half hours. ④Pour the burdock into the casserole, continue to cook for half an hour, and season with a little salt.


Protect blood vessels and open stomach

“Root of Life” Beetroot

Beetroot is also called beetroot. The red beetroot looks bad, but it can It is said to be an excellent vegetable that combines natural, health and nutrition. It is especially beneficial in nourishing the stomach and preventing cancer.

Many people are unfamiliar with beetroot, and after reading it, you will want to buy it and try it!

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< span>Vascular Protector

Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Chief Physician Wang Guowei: The theory of Chinese medicine health care says that “five colors enter the five internal organs” ”, red food enters the heart and blood, can nourish the kidneys and promote blood circulation. Eating red foods such as beetroot in moderation is very beneficial for protecting the heart and brain.

Modern medicine also says that beetroot contains high levels of nitrates, which act as an anti-blood clotting factor. Ingestion of beetroot can help relax smooth muscles, dilate blood vessels, relieve hardening of arteries, and promote blood circulation.

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< span>Lower blood pressure

Research published in International Circulation found that in hypertensive patients, daily consumption of beetroot juice Ingestion of nitrates over 4 weeks significantly reduced the patients’ elevated blood pressure compared with the placebo group.

< span>Wang Guowei, Chief Physician of Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine: “There is no name for hypertension in traditional Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that blood pressure is related to the imbalance of yin and yang of the liver and kidney, or the accumulation of phlegm and dampness. are closely related.

Eating too much fat, sweet and thick flavor will affect digestion and absorption, resulting in fat accumulation that cannot be excreted from the body, which will generate heat, phlegm and dampness, increase blood viscosity and block blood flow, thereby increasing blood pressure. span>

In addition to maintaining a good lifestyle, eating The antihypertensive properties of beetroot may also help protect heart health.”

Sautéed Beetroot

Ingredients: 2 beetroots, appropriate amount of cooking oil, a little chicken essence, appropriate amount of garlic, edibleRight amount of oil, 2 shallots.

Method: Rinse the beetroot several times, drain and cut into shreds; cut the garlic into granules, and cut the shallot into rings; heat oil in a pan, add garlic and saute until fragrant, then put in the beetroot and stir fry quickly; stir fry the ingredients When it is over, add other seasonings, and the ingredients are ready to serve.


rich in folic acid

Beetroot is rich in Folic acid, essential for regular tissue growth. Beetroot is a natural source of folic acid for pregnant women, and folic acid for the elderly can also prevent stroke and dementia.

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< span>Auxiliary cancer prevention

Studies found that betaine contained in beetroot has a good inhibitory effect on the growth and proliferation of cancer cells , also contains “anti-cancer star” selenium element to help prevent tumors.

And beet heads are rich in carotene, a survey from across Europe shows that eating Women who eat carotene foods have a 40-60% reduction in the incidence of estrogen receptor-related breast cancer, which accounts for nearly one-third of all breast cancer cases.

Beetroot Juicing , salad, soup, fried can be. Today, I would like to recommend a cup of vegetable juice that can help lower blood pressure and prevent cancer. Let’s learn quickly~

Vegetable juice to help lower blood pressure and prevent cancer p>

Beetheads, carrots, tomatoes, diced, to 2 :1:1 ratio to mix and squeeze juice. All three kinds of vegetables have strong antioxidant capacity, and regular consumption can help lower blood pressure and prevent cancer.


Huoxuetongmai to stabilize blood sugar

< p data-track="100">“The Root of Fairy Grass” Pueraria

Beijing TV’s “Yangshengtang” program previously mentioned: a pair of young lovers in the south The mountain forest encountered “miasma”, high fever, confusion, and rash all over the body… The mountain people gave them a kind of “fairy grass root”, and they recovered quickly after eating. Later, the two often ate this food and lived to be a hundred years old.

This “fairy” The grass root is Pueraria lobata, which has the reputation of “thousand-year ginseng”. The medical sage Zhang Zhongjing’s “Treatise on Febrile Diseases” records that it is suitable for “sun disease, how strong the neck and back are, no sweat and aversion to wind”, that is to say, exogenous diseases, head and neck pain You can use it if you feel tight, with or without symptoms of sweating and aversion to wind.

Other than that , it has many more benefits –


Promoting blood circulation and protecting blood vessels

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that puerariae has the function of promoting blood circulation The efficacy of Tongmai, modern medicine has also found that pueraria contains 12 kinds of progesterone compounds and 13 kinds of progesterone substances, which can dilate blood vessels, improve local microcirculation, regulate blood pressure, and help prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. .

Huoxue Huayu Drink

Pueraria relaxes meridians, dilates blood vessels, and promotes fluid production; Salvia miltiorrhiza promotes blood circulation, nourishes blood, and cools blood.

The two are a pair of medicines. The combination is very suitable for people with numbness and cold hands and feet, finger pain, heel pain, bruising under the tongue, headache and other symptoms of blood stasis. However, please follow the doctor’s advice for specific usage and dosage.


Lower blood sugar

As early as the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, Zhang Xichun, a medical expert, used Yuye Decoction to treat “diabetes syndrome” (diabetes), which can help lower blood sugar and improve diabetes symptoms, which contains pueraria.

Pueraria is cool in nature, sweet in taste, and has Clearing heat and promoting body fluid, reducing protein, improving heart function, reducing thirst and heat. Modern medicine has also proved that the puerarin in pueraria has a significant effect on lowering blood sugar.


Liver protection and detoxification

Pueraria has been listed as a hangover medicine by traditional Chinese medicine since ancient times. The Compendium of Materia Medica records that it has the effect of hangover and liver protection .

Modern research has found that Pueraria root, puerarin total flavonoids, pueraria polysaccharides, pueraria daidzein and other substances in pueraria have the effect of inhibiting alcohol absorption, accelerating alcohol metabolism, and anti-oxidation, thereby helping to protect the liver.

pueraria also contains many Vitamins, minerals and amino acids needed by the liver can help repair liver cells and improve the recovery ability of the liver.

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< span>Pueraria can be used as a substitute for tea

Pueraria medicinal and food are of the same origin. Use 10g pueraria to boil water instead of tea every day, or use pueraria water to cook porridge for consumption, which can play a role in health care, and can also be used in vegetables.

Source : I am a big doctor official WeChat