Large-scale nucleic acid testing is carried out in these streets in Keqiao District

About the relevant new crown virus initial screening positive infection

Follow-up notification

At 0:33 on May 23, 2022, the first positive case in Keqiao District was reported. During the screening process of the close contacts of the infected person Zhang Mou, a case of positive infection of the new coronavirus was found in the initial screening, which was Zhang Mou’s wife Hu Moumou. After review, Hu Moumou was diagnosed as an asymptomatic infection. At present, the close contacts, sub-close contacts and key personnel of Zhang and Hu have been brought under control for the first time, and all key places have been sterilized. And from 6:30 on the 23rd, carried out large-scale regional nucleic acid testing on Keqiao Street, Keyan Street, Huashe Street, and Qixian Street.

Remind all public places in the district to strictly guard the gates and fully implement the “place code” Application, strictly check the 48-hour nucleic acid test report, and actively play the role of sentinel points of hospitals and pharmacies. The general public is requested to actively cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control work, reduce cross-regional movement, stay out of the region unless necessary, consciously abide by laws and regulations, do not spread rumors, believe or spread rumors, enhance personal protection awareness, keep wearing masks, wash hands frequently, and ventilate often , maintain a safe social distance, use public spoons and chopsticks and other hygiene habits, complete the new crown vaccination as soon as possible, and build an immune barrier together.

New coronavirus pneumonia in Keqiao District, Shaoxing City


The Office of the Leading Group for Epidemic Prevention and Control

May 23, 2022

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[Source: Shaoxing Release]

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