Know the little bit of “calcium” in your body

Calcium tablets, vitamin tablets, cod liver oil and other nutritional supplements, I believe everyone is familiar with it.

Especially calcium tablets have become a lifestyle and eating habit for many people. The premise of taking calcium tablets is that the body is deficient in calcium, and some people actually do not know whether they are deficient in calcium. The reason why they take calcium tablets is…

① Others Eat, I also eat, nutrition can not lose!

② Self-perception of calcium deficiency in the body, such as loose teeth, hair loss, susceptibility to fatigue, low back pain, etc.

Calcium tablets can indeed supplement calcium, but don’t take them casually. Blind calcium supplementation will not only be ineffective, but may also cause other adverse effects on the body. Whether you want to take calcium supplements or not, whether you should take calcium tablets or not, depends on whether you are calcium deficient!

What is a calcium tablet?

Calcium is an indispensable nutrient for the human body and plays a vital role in the development of human bones. In addition, calcium also plays an important role in blood coagulation. Only when the calcium ion content in serum is maintained at a normal level, can the health of the heart and blood vessels be ensured.

Our main source of calcium intake is diet, such as milk, yogurt and other dairy products, fish and shrimp and other seafood, as well as green leafy vegetables, soy products, whole grains, etc.

If you cannot meet the body’s needs through dietary intake, you can choose to take calcium tablets. There are many kinds of calcium tablets on the market, which can be roughly divided into: inorganic calcium, organic calcium, organic acid calcium.

Inorganic calcium includes calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate, which need to be broken down into calcium ions by gastric acid before they can be absorbed by the body. The advantage is that the calcium content is high and the price is low; the disadvantage is that the absorption rate is low, and it is easy to deposit, and taking too much may cause kidney stones.

Organic calcium acid includes calcium citrate, calcium lactate, calcium gluconate, etc. The calcium content of this type of calcium tablet is lower than that of inorganic calcium, but the absorption rate is higher, and the There are no restrictions on the time and amount of taking. This type of calcium tablet is less irritating to the stomach and is suitable for the elderly, children, people with malabsorption, and people suffering from gastric acid deficiency.

Organic calcium, such as amino acid chelated calcium, has the advantage of being easily absorbed.

Can everyone take calcium tablets?

Of course not. People with high levels of calcium in the blood (hypercalcemia), hypercalciuria, or a history of kidney stones should avoid taking calcium tablets.

In addition, some drugs can affect calcium absorption, such as tetracycline, isoniazid, proton pump inhibitors, etc., calcium tablets should not be taken while taking these drugs. Whether you need to take calcium tablets, whether you can take calcium tablets, it is best to consult a professional doctor for these questions, and remember not to take it blindly by yourself.

Are you really deficient in calcium?

The most direct and accurate method is to go to the hospital for blood calcium determination.

However, due to physiological reasons in the elderly, bone calcium transfer may occur, resulting in increased blood calcium. The measurement results cannot reflect the real calcium content in the body. < span>Bone Densitometry. In addition, a preliminary judgment can also be made through some typical symptoms.

Infants and toddlers: difficult to fall asleep, difficult to enter deep sleep; cry after falling asleep, easy to wake up; irritable during the day, Restless; teeth are sparsely arranged, not neatly arranged, or not close together.

Adolescents: have growing pains, cramps, fatigue, irritability, fatigue, poor tooth development, etc.

Adults:Fatigue, fatigue, cramps, back pain, allergies, loose teeth, etc. For adults, although the above symptoms are not specific and typical, it is difficult to judge calcium deficiency. However, once the above symptoms appear, it means that the body is sending out a “call for help”. At this time, no matter how busy you are, you should take some time to go to the hospital for a general physical examination.

Elderly: Heel pain, backache, leg pain, cervical spine pain; loose and falling teeth; obvious hunchback, Fractures easily; loss of appetite, constipation; insomnia, dreamy, irritable, irritable, etc.

When is the best time to take calcium tablets?

Calcium supplementation at night is more effective. Because part of the blood calcium will be lost with the urine during sleep at night, in order to maintain a normal blood calcium concentration, taking calcium tablets at night can supplement the calcium lost in the body.

Can calcium tablets be taken for a long time?

For people who need calcium supplementation, intermittent calcium supplementation can be used, such as taking calcium supplements for 2 months, and then taking calcium supplements for 1 month after stopping. How to control the intermittent cycle of calcium supplementation, please do it under the guidance of a professional doctor~

p>Some precautions for taking calcium tablets

1. Too much is not beneficial: Long-term excessive intake It will increase the risk of kidney stones, and the amount of deficiency will be supplemented. Blind overdose of calcium tablets is harmful and unhelpful.

2. Small amount and multiple times: Calcium tablet should not exceed 500mg at a time, but you can choose to take it in divided doses, so that Doing it will help better absorption of calcium, and will also reduce the “sequelae” of overdose such as constipation and abdominal distension.

3. With vitamin D: If the absorption of calcium is not good when taking calcium tablets, you can mix it with vitamin D D together with supplement, can promote the absorption of calcium.


【1】How to judge whether you are calcium deficient? Knowing these points, calcium tablets are not wasted

【2】Lin Xiuhong. Eight considerations for rational calcium supplementation[J]. Diet Science, 2021(11):8-9.

[3] Xia Weibo, Liao Eryuan, Zhang Zhenlin, Lin Hua, Jin Xiaolan, Yu Wei, Fu Qin, Liu Jianmin, Xie Zhongjian, Yuan Lingqing, Ding Yue, Yue Hua, Sheng Zhifeng. The necessity of calcium supplementation and vitamin D for bone health[J]. Chinese Journal of Osteoporosis and Bone Mineral Diseases, 2018,11(01):20-25.

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