Kidney invigorating doesn’t work, the more you replenish, the more deficient you become? why is that? See what TCM says

Some people always ask me: “Doctor, why do other people’s kidneys have an effect, and my body is strong, but I spend a lot of money, and I don’t take less medicine, why can’t I make up for it? What?”

This is a difficult problem that many male friends have encountered, why? Let me tell you a case, and you will understand.

Mr. Guan, this is a male patient I treated some time ago. This is the case with him. According to what he said, he learned that his ability to have sex is usually too poor, and his wife was scolded by his wife. Disgusted, I feel inferior in my heart, so I bought a lot of kidney-tonifying products to eat. I ate it for almost two months, but there was no improvement.

His symptoms:

1. Decreased ability to “do”, shortened time

2. Soreness of waist and knees, body fatigue

3. Frequent urination, easy to sweat

4. Easy to bloat Diarrhea, undigested food mixed in the stool

Look at the tongue coating and pulse: the tongue coating is yellow, thick and greasy, and the pulse is thin and stringy

After syndrome differentiation: the syndrome is deficiency of kidney qi, weak spleen and stomach

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the kidney is the innate foundation, and the spleen and stomach are the acquired foundation. The kidneys govern water and receive and store the essence of the five zang-organs and six fu-organs, while the spleen and stomach govern the transport and transformation of water and grains, which are distributed throughout the body to provide nutrition. Humans initially received the essence of their parents and depended on nutrients as their resources. After leaving the mother’s body through embryonic development, they began to ingest the essence of water and grain. The innate essence depends on the nourishment of the acquired spleen and stomach to transport and transform the water and grain essence. The essence stored in the kidney is more important, called Yuanyin, but it is difficult to replenish. Therefore, the spleen and stomach must be replenished first. Only after the spleen and stomach is strong can the qi and blood be sufficient and the essence and qi be sufficient. , and can even nourish the kidneys.

Mr. Guan is like this. It is easy to have abdominal distension, diarrhea, and undigested food in the stool because the spleen and stomach are weak. If the spleen and stomach are weak, then naturally the food you ingest cannot be absorbed and decomposed. If the nutrients you need are not available, you will naturally not be able to make up for them.

Therefore, for this kind of situation, in terms of conditioning, it is necessary to nourish the spleen and stomach first, and then nourish the kidney qi as the main rule.

Points to pay attention to during treatment:

1. During the treatment, a light diet should be taken, and no spicy, fried, irritated, Greasy and other fat, sweet and thick flavors

2. Work and rest should be regular, not staying up late or overworked

3. Usually can be With appropriate physical exercise to enhance physical fitness, in order to achieve the purpose of disease prevention