Kidney bad urine prophet! If there are 3 major abnormalities in the body, kidney cancer may have been quietly “latent”


March 10, 2022 is the 17th World Kidney Day. The theme of this year’s World Kidney Day is “Everyone Pays Attention to Kidney Health – I Love My Kidney, Knowledge Strengthens Kidney”.

Chronic kidney disease has become one of the major diseases that threaten human health. Data shows that the prevalence of chronic kidney disease in adults in my country is as high as 10.8%, and the growth rate of disability and mortality ranks first among chronic diseases. The awareness rate is only 12.5%, which means that one in 10 people has kidney disease.

1. How important is the kidney to us?

The kidney is an important organ in the urinary system of the human body. It is located on both sides of the spine in the retroperitoneum (behind both sides of the waist) and is responsible for the maintenance of electrolytes, water, acid and alkali in the human body. Balance, secretion of biologically active substances, because it also handles waste and water, so it is known as the “garbage treatment plant” for the human body.

Scientific research has found that the concentration of various inorganic salts required for life activities, such as glucose, sodium, potassium, protein, etc., in the human body is regulated by the kidneys. The kidneys also secrete erythropoietin, prostaglandins, renin and other active substances, which have an impact on blood pressure, water and salt metabolism, and bone marrow hematopoiesis.

The most important thing is that the kidneys can process the waste produced in the human blood (average 1500-1800 liters per day), expel excess water, and form about 1.5 liters of urine. Once the kidneys are damaged and the kidney function declines, the three functions cannot meet the needs of the human body, which will cause systemic symptoms and cause serious consequences.

Second, the threat of kidney cancer

Data show that kidney cancer accounts for a The mortality rate of all cancers is 2%. Generally speaking, developed countries are higher than developing countries, urban areas are higher than rural areas, males are more than females, and the highest incidence age is 50-70 years old. The incidence of renal cancer in my country is increasing year by year, ranking second in urinary system tumors.

Medical research has confirmed that the occurrence of kidney cancer is mainly related to heredity, smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, etc. Therefore, these four groups of people also belong to the high-risk group of kidney cancer. In addition, factors such as occupational exposure, dietary habits, and hormone levels have shown a tendency to induce kidney cancer in many studies and investigations, but strong scientific evidence is currently lacking.

1. Hereditary

Kidney cancer can be divided into two types: hereditary and sporadic. The incidence of kidney cancer is higher and the most common. In clinical data, familial renal cancer accounts for 3%-4% of renal cancer cases. The main genetic diseases are: BHD syndrome, hereditary papillary renal cancer, familial leiomyosarcoma, VHL syndrome, etc.

The onset time of familial hereditary renal cancer is 20-40 years old, and sporadic renal cancer is about 50 years old. A first-degree relative diagnosed with kidney cancer increases their risk by 2-3 times.

2. Smoking

The International Agency for Research on Cancer, a subsidiary of the World Health Organization, lists smoking as a high risk factor for kidney cancer. Studies have found that N-nitrosamines produced by tobacco burning are the main risk factors for kidney cancer. In medical survey data, compared with male and female smokers and non-smokers, the risk of kidney cancer is 1.57 times and 1.22 times higher, respectively. In contrast, the risk of cancer of heavy smokers (more than 21 per day) is 2 times higher, respectively. , 1.6 times.

Reminder: If smokers quit smoking for 10-15 years, the risk of kidney cancer will be reduced by 15-30%, so it is urgent to quit smoking.

3. Obesity

There is also a correlation between obesity and kidney cancer incidence, which The underlying reasons may be related to the effect of obesity on estrogen, steroid hormone levels, and insulin-like growth factor-I. In addition, obesity-induced lipid peroxidation, down-regulation of low-density lipoprotein receptors, and elevated cholesterol may also increase the risk of kidney cancer.

In a large number of studies at home and abroad, obesity has been recognized as a risk factor for kidney cancer. According to data, an increase in BMI of 5 is associated with a 24-34% increase in the risk of kidney cancer. It can be seen that the prevention of kidney cancer also requires weight control, starting from the prevention of obesity.

4. Hypertension

Hypertension can also lead to increased lipid peroxidation and reactive oxygen species in the human body, thereby leading to the risk of kidney cancer. In previous studies, the risk of kidney cancer in hypertensive patients was 2 times higher than that of the general population, which is enough to prove the potential harm of hypertension to the human body.

Third, be alert to the “triad” of kidney cancer and do a B-ultrasound once a year

Dou Peng, deputy director of the International Medical Center of Peking University Cancer Hospital, said, “Most kidney cancer patients are asymptomatic kidney cancers found during physical examinations, and these patients account for 50%-60% of the total kidney cancer patients. Above.” But at the same time, kidney cancer is not without any signal at all, and the most common typical feature is the triad.

The triad of kidney cancer refers to hematuria, back pain, and abdominal mass. In clinical treatment, the combined incidence of the triad is only 15%, but once it occurs, it indicates Cancer is at an advanced stage, so be extra vigilant when one or two symptoms appear.

1. Hematuria

The incidence of hematuria in renal cancer patients is 40%, which is caused by tumor compression on blood vessels. Severe hematuria can cause symptoms such as dysuria, painful urination, renal colic, and urinary retention.

Generally, hematuria may come from the bladder or the kidneys. It can be judged by three cups of urine in the morning. One cup of hematuria represents the urethra, two cups represent the bladder, and three cups of kidney cancer are more likely. Seek medical attention promptly.

2. Lumps

Lumps are present in 10-40% of people with kidney cancer, sometimes It is also the only symptom. Generally speaking, the kidney itself is deep in the abdomen, and the mass is difficult to detect. Once a mass is found, it means that the mass has grown to a certain extent. At this time, it is necessary to pay attention to it and seek medical treatment in time.

3. Low back pain

When the kidney tumor grows and expands the renal capsule and invades the nearby tissues, it will form a persistent dull pain, and sometimes it may also be caused by the rupture of the tumor and the renal capsule. Hematomas can also cause pain.

The 20-40% chance of pain caused by tumor invasion of the tissue is also 10-40% likely to be paraneoplastic syndrome, which can lead to anemia, hypertension, high Blood sugar and other symptoms.

·A B-ultrasound once a year is helpful for the detection of kidney cancer

Yang, deputy chief physician of the Department of Urology, Henan Cancer Hospital Tiejun appeals to people with high risk of kidney cancer, such as obesity, hypertension, smoking, family history, chronic kidney disease, etc., regular B-ultrasonography every year is the most effective health protection!

Fourth, regardless of men and women, avoid these three bad habits, and good kidneys will come naturally

The health of the kidneys is related to the health of the human body, which can be said to affect the whole body Therefore, in daily life, in addition to preventing kidney cancer, other kidney diseases should not be taken lightly. Improve 3 bad habits and do the first step of protecting kidney!

1. Often take medicine indiscriminately And health care products

Clinical data show that 25% of renal failure patients are related to the “toxicity” of drugs. The main organ of the human body to metabolize drugs is the kidneys, but long-term indiscriminate use of drugs will increase The burden on the kidneys, resulting in toxic damage and affecting kidney function. The same is true of health care products on the market. Many health care products have unknown drugs themselves, and the unknown ingredients have great side effects on the human body, so they should not be eaten indiscriminately.

Suggestion: Whether it is a drug or a health product, it should be taken under the guidance and advice of a doctor.

2, long-term smoking, drinking

Smoking and drinking are healthy Kang’s two “enemies” are also “kidney-injuring masters”. Scientific research has found that cigarette smoke contains more than 7,000 harmful substances, and the alcohol decomposition product acetaldehyde is also very harmful. These substances are harmful to the kidneys. risk factors.

Suggestions: quit smoking, quit drinking, and start with yourself.

3. Often stay up late

During human sleep, the life activities and metabolic functions of the whole body are reduced, and the kidneys can also reduce the “work intensity” and get Repair and relieve, and staying up late will increase the burden on the kidneys, disrupt the dormancy mechanism of the kidneys, and accelerate the aging of the kidneys.

Suggestion: Scientific research has found that the “golden seven hours” of human sleep is from 11:00 at night to 6:00 in the morning. It is best to ensure high-quality sleep during this period, and avoid staying up late!

In addition to changing the above three bad habits, in life, people can achieve the purpose of protecting kidneys by maintaining proper water intake, avoiding holding urine, exercising moderately, and maintaining a balanced diet.

Due to its deep location, the kidneys are surrounded by surrounding organs and tissues, just like “silent children” in the human body, even if they are damaged , many times it will not send a signal, so everyone must have regular medical examinations. In daily life, people should also learn to pay attention to observing signs, and do a good job in disease prevention and early treatment, which is what every patient should do.


[1] “Please pay attention to these four groups of people: Beware of “kidney cancer” sneak attack. Fudan University Affiliated Cancer Hospital. 2018-06-14

[2] “Knowing the kidneys, protecting the kidneys starts with doing less of these things”. Medical and Food Reference. 2021-12-18

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