Kexing Pharmaceuticals plans to invest 6 million yuan to set up a joint venture to develop animal vaccines

News from the Beijing News (Reporter Wang Kara) On March 15, Kexing Pharmaceuticals announced that the company plans to invest 6 million yuan in cash, and Fu Jun and Ma Jingyun will invest 4.909 million yuan with intangible assets to establish a joint venture company Shenzhen Kexing Animal Health Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (tentative name, hereinafter referred to as “Kexing Animal Health”), conducts research and development activities related to animal vaccines.
Fu Jun, who established the joint venture company with Kexing Pharmaceuticals, is a professor of Shandong University and a senior expert in genetic engineering. Key technical support. Ma Jingyun is a professor at the School of Animal Science, South China Agricultural University. His research direction is animal health breeding and comprehensive prevention and control of epidemic diseases. He mainly conducts epidemiological, diagnostic and He has rich experience in vaccine development and research work on technology and new vaccines.
According to the investment ratio of the three parties, Sinovac holds a 55.0005% stake in Sinovac Animal Health, and will also increase capital to the joint venture according to the progress of the cooperation project , the maximum amount is 29 million yuan.
Kexing Pharma focuses on antiviral, tumor and immune, blood, digestion, degenerative diseases, etc. therapeutic areas. It is a leading company in China’s recombinant protein drugs with R&D and layout in new protein, new antibody, nucleic acid drugs and other technical directions. In 2021, Kexing Pharmaceutical’s revenue will grow steadily, with revenue increasing by 5.31% year-on-year, but net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies will decline by 35.16% year-on-year. During the reporting period, Kexing Pharma continued to increase investment in research and development, introduced high-end talents, and the research and development expenses increased significantly year-on-year.
This time involved in the research and development of animal vaccines, Kexing Pharmaceuticals said that the animal vaccine industry is part of the biomedical industry and is the most important part of animal biological products. Genetic engineering Vaccines represent the future technological development trend of animal vaccines. The “14th Five-Year” National Agricultural and Rural Science and Technology Development Plan pointed out that it is necessary to strive to break through a number of “stuck neck” technologies and short-board technologies that are controlled by others. As an innovative biopharmaceutical enterprise, the company has rich experience in R&D management and a complete R&D innovation system in the field of biological products. While developing biopharmaceuticals, it actively pays attention to and deploys the cultivation and incubation of biotechnology, and will focus on the prevention and control of zoonotic diseases. The overall idea is to develop breakthrough vaccine products.
Proofreading Li Ming