Keep your mouth shut when you are old, remember “2 eat less and 3 eat more” before eating, the best health effect

Compared with young people, with age, everyone will get older, especially those who are about to or are going through the stage of old age, both physical and psychological changes will occur to varying degrees.

Under physical and mental pressure, the degeneration of organs and tissues and the weakened immunity of the body also increase the probability of people suffering from various diseases. It is also the reason why it is suggested that the sooner you maintain your health, the better. You should be vigilant in the middle-aged and old age, especially when it comes to eating. On the basis of getting older, you should keep your mouth shut. Be sure to remember “how much to eat and how much to eat”. Best health care results.

Which foods should you keep your mouth shut?

Let’s eat less braised cooking: Braised cooking is an authentic snack in old Beijing. They all combine fire with pig intestines, pig lungs, etc., and are also called “shuishui” by people. The taste is extremely delicious and is deeply loved by people in various places.

In addition to pig offal, there are also animal offal such as chicken offal and duck offal. Indeed, compared with other foods, animal offal has its own unique taste, but it is delicious, but what you may not know is that these foods are purines and fats. Cholesterol content is very high, which belongs to high purine food. If the elderly with high uric acid can not eat more, it is better not to eat.

Even if you have other chronic diseases, such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, etc., you should pay attention to treating such high Fatty food, even if you are greedy occasionally, should be implemented in accordance with the healthy standard. That is, according to the 2022 version of the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents, it is mentioned that animal liver should be eaten 1-2 times a month, and it is advisable not to exceed 50g each time.

Eat less fatty meat: Because of the different cooking methods, the meat in the hands of the chef is also fat but not greasy, but do you think Pass. In particular, pork fat is too high in calories, and the fat is mainly saturated fatty acids.

Currently, studies have shown that excessive intake of saturated fatty acids will increase the probability of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and coronary heart disease.

What foods can you eat with your mouth shut?

Soy products: Soy products are also one of the gaps in people’s diet, and according to the health standard, adults should reach 25~35g of soybeans and nuts every day. enough.

Green leafy vegetables: In daily health care, since there are foods that need to be eaten less, there are foods that can be eaten in moderation. For example, according to my country’s nutritional intake survey, the whole population is in a state of “overnutrition”, either insufficient nutritional intake or too much fat.

This is especially true for middle-aged and elderly people, where the daily intake of vegetables is less than half of the healthy standard. To this end, it is recommended that the elderly should increase the supplementation of green leafy vegetables. This type of food is rich in dietary fiber, folic acid, and vitamin B, which helps to lose weight, stabilize blood pressure, blood lipids and other benefits.

Dairy products: Intake more dairy products. In the new version of the Chinese Residents’ Diet Pagoda, it is mentioned that adult healthy people, The daily amount of dairy products should be 300~500ml, which can help the body supplement calcium to prevent bone diseases such as osteoporosis.