Just released! The new crown pneumonia epidemic situation in Hubei Province on May 15

On May 15, 0-24, Hubei Province added a new local confirmed case , 4 new cases of local asymptomatic infections (all reported from Jingmen City to Hubei from other provinces), 0 new imported confirmed cases, and new imported asymptomatic infections 0 cases, 0 new suspected cases, 0 new death cases, 0 cases discharged on the same day, 3 cases of asymptomatic infection were released from medical observation on the same day (1 case in Xianning City; 2 cases imported from abroad). As of 24:00 on May 15, there were 0 local confirmed cases and 0 suspected cases treated in designated medical institutions. 13 cases of local asymptomatic infections still under centralized isolation and medical observation (4 cases in Wuhan, 1 case in Xiangyang City, and 2 cases in Enshi Prefecture. , 1 case in Qianjiang City and 5 cases in Jingmen City). 0 overseas imported confirmed cases treated in designated medical institutions, and 4 overseas imported asymptomatic infections still under centralized isolation and medical observation. A total of 63,886 cases in Hubei have been cured and discharged, a total of 4,512 cases have died, and a total of 68,398 confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia have been reported. There are 653 close contacts who are still under centralized isolation and medical observation.

Source: Hubei Provincial Health Commission

Editor: Du Lekang | Editor-in-Chief: Li Ling, Natural

Editor: Liao Shouxi | Producer: Li Peng

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