Just now, the official website of Beijing Children’s Hospital posted a message in memory of Dr. Chen Xiaoli, who passed away the day before yesterday at the age of 58

Deep condolences to Professor Ma Xiaoli

National Children’s Medical Center Beijing Children’s Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University Comrade Ma Xiaoli, director of internal medicine, chief physician, professor, doctoral supervisor, and head of the oncology group of the Pediatric Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, died of illness at 0:55 on June 9, 2022, at the age of 58.

Ma Xiaoli, female, Hui nationality, Ningxia Tongxin, born in November 1963. He started working in July 1985 and joined the Communist Party of China in September 2019.

Professor Ma Xiaoli devoted her whole life to the cause of children’s health. After graduating from university in 1985, she chose pediatrics as her lifelong career, and then studied under the tutelage of Professor Hu Yamei, the pioneer of children’s hematology-oncology in China and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, to study for a master’s and doctoral degrees. After graduating with a doctorate degree in July 2002, she has been engaged in clinical, scientific research and teaching of children’s hematological tumors. In 2006, she founded the solid tumor professional group of the Beijing Children’s Hospital Hematology and Oncology Center and served as the leader of the professional group. In 2012, she served as the hematological tumor of Beijing Children’s Hospital Deputy director of the center, director of medical oncology in 2021.

Professor Ma Xiaoli is a leader in the field of diagnosis and treatment of solid tumors in children in my country. She served as the head of the oncology group of the Pediatric Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, the deputy director of the National Health Commission’s Childhood Malignant Tumor (Solid Tumor) Expert Committee, the standing committee of the Pediatric Oncology Committee of the China Anti-Cancer Association, and the Children’s Association of China Research Hospitals. Executive vice chairman of the Cancer Specialized Committee, etc.; presided over and participated in a number of national, provincial and ministerial scientific research projects, led a number of children’s solid tumor multi-center clinical research and registration clinical trials, published more than 100 Chinese and English articles, participated in the compilation “Zhu Futang Practical Pediatrics”, “Hu Yamei Practical Children’s Hematology and Oncology” and other monographs.

Professor Ma Xiaoli is an explorer of the standardized diagnosis and treatment model of solid tumors in children. More than 20 years ago, in the face of the lack of systematic and standardized treatment of solid tumors in children in China, she resolutely shouldered the burden and went to Hong Kong and the United States in 2004, 2008 and 2019 to study advanced diagnosis and treatment experience of solid tumors in children. Under her leadership, Beijing Children’s Hospital is at the leading domestic level in the diagnosis and treatment of children’s neuroblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, retinoblastoma, Ewing’s sarcoma and other malignant tumors. Over the past 15 years, more than 4,000 children with new solid tumors have been diagnosed and treated with pediatric solid tumors, and the pain has been relieved for the children. She also led the formulation of “Chinese Children and Adolescent Rhabdomyosarcoma Diagnosis and Treatment Recommendations (CCCG-RMS-2016)”, “Chinese Anti-Cancer Association Series Guidelines for Integrated Tumor Diagnosis and Treatment – Children and Adolescent Rhabdomyosarcoma”, “Suspected Neuroblastoma Identification and Referral” Guidelines” and “Suggestions for Diagnosis and Treatment of Pleuropulmonary Blastoma in Chinese Children”, participated in the compilation of the National Health Commission’s guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of 14 types of childhood malignant tumors, and made outstanding contributions to the nationwide promotion of standardized diagnosis and treatment of solid tumors in children.

Professor Ma Xiaoli has always been strict with herself as an outstanding Communist Party member, and devoted her whole life to the cause of child health of the Party and the country. She has superb medical skills, noble character, and treats patients like family members; she works silently, selflessly, and sincerely supports future studies; she is low-key, humble in character, treats everyone around her kindly, and is deeply respected and loved by patients, students and colleagues.

Professor Ma Xiaoli’s death made the hospital lose an excellent and respectable cadre, and also made the field of children’s oncology lose a fighter who bravely develops the path of discipline. Huge loss in the field of research. Now that the deceased has passed away, her spirit and career will surely benefit future studies and live forever!

Beijing Children’s Hospital Professor Ma Xiaoli’s Funeral Team

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