“Just look at it and say it’s stomach cancer”! These diseases are written on your face, and they can “save lives” at critical moments

Some time ago, the topic #male blind date was found to have liver disease by the woman’s father# was on the hot search, causing widespread concern. It turned out that the woman’s father was a Chinese medicine practitioner. After taking the pulse and looking at the palm of his hand, he discovered that the man’s liver was abnormal.

▲The picture comes from the network screenshot

Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to seeing, hearing, inquiring, and inquiring. There is even a saying that “seeing and knowing is called God”. Through external manifestations, you can see potential diseases. It was mentioned in the previous program: Wang Hongmo, a national famous old Chinese doctor, once “saw stomach cancer at a glance”.


Many years ago, when Mr. Wang walked out of the hospital gate after get off work, he saw a middle-aged man greet him. Before waiting for the other party to finish speaking, Wang Lao led him to do a barium meal angiography, and the result was gastric cancer.

This person hurried to Shanghai for a gastrectomy, and returned after more than 2 months of recuperation to thank Wang Lao for his life-saving grace. But Wang Lao looked at him and said that he could not save him because the cancer had already metastasized, and persuaded him to go to Shanghai again. Finally, this person unfortunately died in Shanghai.

How to discover the internal diseases of the body through external manifestations such as the face and hands? Today, Coco will teach you a few simple and typical methods!


3 “signals” of stomach problems

It’s on your face

“There are all kinds of shapes in the inside, and they must be in the outside”, one or two can be seen from the face of a person’s stomach. The following 3 manifestations may be a “signal” of a bad stomach.

1 Nose redness: may indicate gastritis

Redness on both sides of the nose may indicate gastritis. Bright red indicates a new disease, which is often a sign of acute gastritis; dark red often indicates chronic gastritis.

Generally, patients with gastritis have symptoms of stomach pain during or after meals, while chronic atrophic gastritis generally has less pain but poor digestive function.

2 The nose is red and purple, and crab claw marks may indicate gastric ulcers

Dark purple or crab claw lines (thin red lines) on the nose may indicate Helicobacter pylori infection and gastric ulcers should be careful.

Relevant studies in Western medicine have also shown that telangiectasia occurs in people infected with Helicobacter pylori, which corresponds to the crab claw pattern.

3 purple-brown nose wings: may indicate gastric cancer

If the nose is blue, purple or dark, it may indicate stomach cancer.

Bletilla striata: “repair agent” for gastric mucosa

The key to a good stomach is the gastric mucosa, which can resist the invasion of toxic and harmful substances and reduce the risk of stomach diseases. In life, food that is too hot, too hard, and irregular diet can easily damage the gastric mucosa.

Bletilla striata is bitter-sweet, slightly cold, and belongs to the Lung, Stomach and Liver meridians, and has the functions of astringent, hemostasis, swelling and muscle regeneration. Usually, you can drink Bletilla striata soaked in water, or use the water soaked in Bletilla striata for cooking, which is good for repairing the gastric mucosa.


Two changes on the face

May indicate a bowel problem

In addition to observing defecation and gas, intestinal diseases can also be seen on the face.

1 Cheekbone redness: It may indicate enteritis and bowel cancer

If the cheekbones and tongue are red, it may indicate colitis.

But if your cheekbones are red and your tongue looks bruised, it could be a sign of bowel cancer.

2 Dark spots on the lower lip: may indicate intestinal polyps

The lips, especially the lower lip, have always been the traditional part of Chinese medicine for diagnosing gastrointestinal diseases. If a purplish-black or solid black spot appears on the lips, it is likely to indicate intestinal polyps.

If the dark spots are multiple or even connected together, and the dark spots become more and more obvious with age, it is likely to indicate familial hereditary polyposis.

Intestinal polyps may not be painful or itchy, but can eventually develop into colon cancer, so they need to be checked and removed in time.

Two “treasures” for protecting the intestines

In the previous program, Wang Lao recommended two “treasures” for protecting the intestines – sorrel and purslane, whether it is enteritis or intestinal cancer, As long as the intestines have symptoms of redness, swelling, heat, pain, pus discharge, blood discharge, and mucus discharge, they can all relieve the symptoms.

Every day, you can take 30g of each of the sauce grass and purslane in boiled water, or you can eat it with cold salad or stuffed dumplings. How to do it? Hurry up and watch the short video below to learn~

Click the video below

Learn to make sausage dumplings↓↓↓


Liver disease is too “low-key”

Don’t miss these clues

The liver has a powerful compensatory function, and it is often “low-key” even when a disease occurs. However, liver disease is not completely invisible, and the following manifestations should be taken care of.

1 liver disease face

When liver disease occurs, its metabolism and detoxification function will also be abnormal, thus affecting the skin, which can be manifested as liver disease face, such as: dark complexion, yellowish brown, rough, dark purple lips, stubborn dark circles, etc.

2 liver palms

The palm of the liver is one of the typical manifestations of liver disease, that is, abnormal expansion, congestion and redness of the thenar capillaries in the palm of the hand, and the redness does not fade after a long time of pressing.

This is due to the decline of liver function, which causes the disorder of estrogen levels in the body. It is common in liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, liver cancer, etc.

In addition, in some cases, jaundice may appear, that is, yellow staining of the skin, sclera, and even urine, sputum, etc.; spider nevus may also appear, which is centered on a point and radiates red blood around it, mostly on the neck. Department, front chest.

Qiju Yanggan Decoction

[Recipe] Take 10 grams of wolfberry and 6 grams of hangbai chrysanthemum, and soak them in water instead of tea.

[Efficacy] Lycium barbarum belongs to the liver and kidney meridians, and has the functions of nourishing the liver, invigorating the kidney, benefiting the essence, and improving eyesight; while chrysanthemum is cool in nature, which can relieve wind and clear heat, calm the liver and improve eyesight. These two things work together, clear and supplement, one yin and one yang. At the same time, the nature is milder. It can not only nourish the liver, but also help the liver, so it is suitable for more people to eat.

In addition, the combination of wolfberry and chrysanthemum also has a good effect on eye protection, which is very suitable for people who often use mobile phones and computers to drink.


Is my lungs good?

Look at these two places to know

Cough, expectoration, wheezing, etc. are common symptoms of lung disease, and Chinese medicine says that “the lung controls the skin”, and some manifestations on the skin may also reveal lung health problems.

1Cracked skin, blisters

If wet blisters appear on the skin or hands, in addition to skin problems, they may also indicate lung problems.

If you don’t do heavy physical work, but your skin is very dry or cracked, or even a maculopapular rash appears on the metacarpophalangeal and elbow joints, it is actually an immune disease called dermatomyositis, and many patients will develop interstitial lung fibrosis.

2 facial edema

In addition to being in charge of the respiratory system, the lungs also have the function of regulating the water channels, and are in charge of the regulation of water and fluid metabolism in the body. Chinese medicine believes that edema above the waist is related to the heart and lungs.

If facial edema occurs in the morning or after catching a cold, it may indicate lung disease, and it is necessary to treat with drugs that disperse lung qi and dispel water evil.

Yuzhu herbal ointment: moistens the lungs and clears the lungs

The lungs are delicate and easily damaged, so special attention should be paid to daily maintenance.

For example, pears can moisten the lungs and remove dryness, white fungus nourishes yin and moisturises the lungs, lily moistens the lungs and relieves cough, and reassures the mind… These ingredients can be boiled into soup, and regular consumption is good for the lungs.

You can also take a spoonful of Yuzhu herbal ointment every morning. It uses Yuzhu, which can nourish yin and moisten the lungs, with lily, sweet almonds, perilla seeds, platycodon, mulberry leaves, mint, licorice, etc. Nourishes yin and moistens the lungs, replenishes qi and clears the lungs, harmonizes the five internal organs, and strengthens the protection of the lungs.


People with these manifestations

High risk of cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease is one of the “three major killers” of health. The 2020 “China Cardiovascular Health and Disease Report” shows that there are about 330 million people with cardiovascular disease in my country.

Many people don’t know they have cardiovascular disease until they have angina pectoris or myocardial infarction. In fact, we can also see one or two from our hands.

1 palm, back of hand blue veins

◎Blue veins at the base of the thumb: After the aorta of the heart is divided, it will pass through the base of the thumb. There are veins here, which may indicate the risk of cardiovascular disease. Generally, the more prominent, darker, and thicker the veins are, the more serious the condition is, and it is more serious in both hands than in one hand.

◎Blue veins on the back of the hand: The blue veins in the middle of the back of the hand are obvious, which may indicate that the heart blood vessels are hardened and the blood supply to the heart is not good.

2 nose root, earlobe fold, etc.

◎Nasal fold: It may also indicate cardiovascular disease. It is clinically found that 70% of patients with coronary heart disease have folds at the root of the nose, and the more folds, the more serious it is.

◎Stripes on the earlobe: Many patients with acute myocardial infarction have horizontal stripes on the earlobe. The deeper and longer the stripes, the higher the risk of myocardial infarction.

◎Thenar folds: It may indicate insufficient heart qi and increase the risk of heart disease; if the thenar collapses and there are many folds, it indicates serious heart disease.

“Shenxian tea”: auxiliary prevention of cardiovascular disease

Xu Hao, director of the First Cardiovascular Department of Xiyuan Hospital, Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, brought us a “fairy tea” that helps prevent cardiovascular disease.

【Recipe】5g of mulberry leaves, 10g of raw hawthorn, 5g of chrysanthemum, 5g of wolfberry, 5g of cassia seeds, and 5g of Pu’er tea.

[Efficacy] Mulberry leaf is the immortal leaf, which can calm the liver and improve eyesight, dispel wind and clear heat, and regulate the three highs; raw hawthorn reduces food and promotes blood circulation; chrysanthemum clears liver and improves eyesight; wolfberry tonifies kidney; Fat control. Combined, it can be used as daily health care to help prevent cardiovascular disease.

People who usually have irregular stools can omit cassia seeds, and those who are often constipated can add a little more. Please follow the doctor’s advice for specific usage and dosage.

[Note] The above self-examination methods are for reference only, and a medical examination is required for details.

(I am the official WeChat account of a big doctor)