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China News Service, Shanghai, March 24 (Reporter Chen Jing) The Shanghai Municipal Health Commission disclosed on the 24th that during the “13th Five-Year Plan” period, Shanghai will make every effort to implement various tasks of the tuberculosis prevention and control plan, and further standardize the report of tuberculosis detection. , diagnosis and treatment, epidemiological traceability, follow-up management, the quality of tuberculosis prevention and control work has been further improved, and the successful treatment rate of tuberculosis patients has reached 94.0%.

It is reported that in 2021, the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in Shanghai registered population will be 21.4/100,000, a decrease of 3.2% compared with the same period in 2020. The committee stated that the standardized management rate of tuberculosis patients reached 99.1%.

March 24 this year is the 27th “World Tuberculosis Day”. China’s propaganda theme is “Life First, All People Action, Sharing Health to End Tuberculosis”, which aims to highlight the adherence to the concept of “life first”, strengthen the participation of all sectors of society, and call on the whole society to take active action to end the tuberculosis epidemic and jointly safeguard people’s health.

The committee said that Shanghai is still facing severe challenges such as accelerated population aging, difficulties in the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis, and hidden dangers of clustered epidemics in key places. It is reported that tuberculosis is an ancient infectious disease, but it is still a major infectious disease seriously endangering human health. It is one of the important public health and social problems of global concern in the 21st century. Tuberculosis prevention and treatment is one of the major national public health service projects. Pulmonary tuberculosis is a chronic respiratory infectious disease that is spread by coughing and sneezing patients who exhale droplets containing TB bacteria. Among the Class A and B infectious diseases notifiable in China, tuberculosis ranks second in both incidence and death.

It is understood that Shanghai will continue to strengthen TB prevention and control, strengthen the TB prevention and control management system, standardize TB epidemic monitoring, rifampicin-resistant/multi-drug-resistant TB diagnosis and treatment procedures, and patient management, and strengthen schools. TB prevention and control in key places and key population groups. Shanghai will implement “early detection, early diagnosis, and precise treatment” for patients to effectively reduce the spread of tuberculosis; promote the establishment of a joint prevention and control mechanism for drug-resistant tuberculosis in the Yangtze River Delta, steadily promote joint prevention and control in the Yangtze River Delta region, and initially realize the exchange of patient diagnosis and treatment data. Establish a patient information sharing mechanism.

Shanghai will also carry out a pilot TB patient care campaign, providing high-quality prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and control services, strengthening nutritional and psychological support, and improving the treatment effect and quality of life of patients. (End)