Jogging for 30 minutes in the morning and walking for 60 minutes in the evening: Which is healthier, and the results are surprising

Introduction: Running is gradually becoming a more and more fashionable sport in China!

Many people love running, not only for their health, but also because running is the easiest way to exercise.

Running is not as troublesome as other sports, such as swimming requires a venue, badminton requires a venue, and also Companions are needed.

For running, you only need a pair of running shoes and a road to run. It’s that simple.

Perhaps because of this, more and more people choose to run, regardless of age or age. Occupation, men and women, young and old, can go out for outdoor running. Do you also like to use running for fitness?

More and more people on the Internet put forward: 30 minutes of jogging in the morning and 60 minutes of walking in the evening, which one is healthier for the body ? How did you choose to be in front of the screen?

Please listen to the editor to explain to you the results of these two methods!

A 30-minute jog in the morning or a 60-minute walk in the evening, which is healthier, surprising results< /span>

{30 minute jog in the morning} span>

Everyone knows that the plan of the day is in the morning, and the good exercise starts in the good morning.

The benefits of jogging for 30 minutes every morning include: boosting immunity, improving cardiorespiratory fitness, promoting bowel movements, Soothe your mood!

First of all, jogging for 30 minutes a day is good for promoting the body’s metabolism, helping to enhance immunity and resistance, and at the same time Also reduces the incidence of colds.

Secondly, improve cardiopulmonary function, the process of jogging helps to improve the function of the heart and lungs, actively Prevents the incidence of heart disease and lung disease.

In addition, jogging can also help speed up the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, assist digestion and absorption of food, if there is constipation and indigestion itself In other cases, jogging for 30 minutes every day can help relieve the condition and make the bowel movement smoother.

Of course, jogging can also promote your own dopa secretion, which is helpful to eliminate the negative effects of anxiety, irritability and tension Emotions, reduce the mental burden, and be more conducive to improving the efficiency of work and study.

{60 minute evening walk}< /p>

Walking after dinner can adjust the cerebral cortex after a day of excitement, relax the mood, and have a calming and clear-headed effect.

Breathing fresh air while walking can increase lung ventilation and oxygen content, which is beneficial to respiratory function improvement.

Walking can enhance the body’s metabolic activity, develop muscles, smooth blood flow, and improve blood circulation throughout the body.

Abdominal muscle exercise after dinner can promote gastrointestinal motility and promote digestion and absorption. After a hundred steps, you can live ninety-nine” is also summed up by the ancients with practical experience.


As long as it is suitable for our body, it is good for us Yes, it not only helps our metabolism, but also helps us improve our immunity. At the same time, our sleep quality can also be greatly improved, and running and walking do not cost much money. p>

Therefore, as to whether we choose to run in the morning or take a walk in the evening, we just need to consider our actual situation and make a decision. We need to consider our own time period. empty, and we need to have a general idea of ​​our physical condition.

How long to walk every day Suitable

General population: about 30-60 minutes a day, 5000-6000 steps, about 3-5 kilometers.

Middle-aged and elderly people with weak constitution: The walking time should not be too long, so as not to increase the heart rate Burden, it is recommended to take about 30 minutes, 3000-5000 steps, 2-3 kilometers, it is advisable to have body heat and sweat a little, and it will end when you are tired.

People who lose weight: about 6000-10000 steps, about 40-60 minutes, and the heart rate reaches 60%-80% of the maximum heart rate. At this time, the fat burning efficiency is the highest and the weight loss effect is the best.< /span>

fit What are the ways of exercise for the elderly?

Tap your shoulders to protect your shoulders< /span>

Many people suffer from shoulder disease and cannot lift their arms in severe cases.

You can try the “slapping exercise” method: stand, spread your legs slightly apart, exert force from the waist, and swing Raise your right arm, tap your left shoulder with your right palm, and tap your back with your left hand, then switch directions.

Generally, each group can be beat about 50 times. It is better to feel a little sore around the shoulders, which is beneficial to exercise. Shoulder and elbow joints, relieve shoulder discomfort.

Tai Chi

< p data-track="34">Tai Chi is rooted in the feet, originating in the legs, dominated by the waist and shaped in the fingers. This systemic limb movement, with the lumbar spine as the pivot, drives the musculoskeletal movement of the whole body.

so that the nervous, cardiovascular and related viscera systems are in a coordinated and orderly manner of excitation and inhibition, relaxation and contraction In the activities of the human body, the vitality is vigorous and the function is active, which lays a solid foundation for the human body to maintain a strong vitality.


Dancing is also a good exercise for the elderly. It not only exercises the body, but also increases the interpersonal communication of the elderly and reduces the occurrence of psychological problems in the elderly.

But it should be noted that the dancing time should not be too long, preferably no more than half an hour, and the movements should not be too violent. Especially the movements of twisting the waist, twisting the hip and twisting the knee joint can avoid accidental injury.


< p data-track="40">As you age, your body functions will gradually decline. If you increase the intensity of exercise blindly, it may cause damage to the body.

So don’t blindly follow the trend, you should customize sports according to your hobbies and physiological characteristics, Excessive range of motion and intense exercise cannot be selected.