Jinyuan District, Taiyuan City: Jinci Town has done a solid job of forest protection and fire prevention in the “six places”

The Qingming Festival is approaching, and it is currently a critical period for forest fire prevention. Jinci Town, Jinyuan District, Taiyuan City earnestly implements the national, provincial and municipal forest and grassland fire prevention and fire prevention work In the spirit of the video and telephone conference, we will conscientiously implement the arrangements and deployment of forest fire prevention and fire fighting work in the provinces and municipalities, take forest fire fighting and fire fighting work as an important political task and an urgent task at present, always maintain a high-pressure situation, and strictly implement fire prevention responsibilities. Do a good job in forest fire prevention and fire prevention, and build a strong line of defense for forest protection and fire prevention.

I. Arrangement in place p>

Jinci Town Party Committee and government leaders attach great importance to it, make unified deployment, hold several meetings to conduct special research and deployment, formulate and issue the “Jinci Town Forest Fire Emergency Plan” The “Notice on Strengthening Forest Protection and Fire Prevention During the Tomb-sweeping Day”, combined with the “100-day tackling” special action of forest and grassland fire prevention inspection and rectification, requires all departments to consolidate their responsibilities, unify their thinking, and make overall plans for forest protection and fire prevention and daily work to ensure that Forest protection and fire prevention work arrangements are in place, staffing is in place, material reserves are in place, and logistical support is in place.

On March 13th, the “Tomb Sweeping Day and Forest Fire Prevention Period” forest protection and fire prevention work arrangement meeting was held

On April 1st, the Party Committee held a meeting to redeploy the work of forest protection and fire prevention

Second, publicity and guidance are in place

for To strengthen publicity and education on forest protection and fire prevention in spring, and enhance citizens’ awareness of forest protection and fire prevention, Jinci Town organized staff to carry out fire prevention knowledge publicity at checkpoints, buses, scenic entrances, schools and other places, and distributed more than 2,000 brochures and leaflets. More than 150 slogans and posters were hung, and more than 2,900 letters of responsibility for fire prevention were signed with villagers. Through the staff’s face-to-face and thoughtful explanation of the policy to the masses and patient communication, a good atmosphere has been created in which everyone knows, understands and cooperates with forest fire prevention work.

On March 20, the town staff distributed forest fire prevention brochures on the bus p>

On March 11th, a group of Jinci Town Comprehensive Law Enforcement Office (forestry) and Niujiakou Primary School launched the publicity and education activity of “Little Hands, Big Hands, Together to Build the Firewall”< /span>

Three, fire source control is in place

Jinci Town has set up a total of 28 checkpoints for entering the mountain. The guards strictly implement the fire prevention duties such as registration, publicity, and fire preservation, so that every vehicle must be inspected and every person must be inspected. Check, and make full use of the “fireproof code” to do a good job in information registration, especially the implementation of man-to-man guards for those who go to the grave. At the same time, the fire patrol team dispatched patrol vehicles to conduct round-the-clock inspections every day.

Forest rangers strictly inspect vehicles entering the mountain

Fire patrols conduct irregular inspections span>

Fourth, personnel organization in place

In order to consolidate the responsibilities of forest protection and fire prevention, more than 160 cadres and workers in Jinci Town have all gone to the front line of fire prevention. For the plot, the responsibility is assigned to the person. The method of “leader’s class + bayonet duty + mountain inspection” is adopted to carry out normalization and implement all-round management. In order to make emergency preparations for fire at any time, Jinci Town is equipped with 35 professional fire-fighting team members. , There are more than 280 forest rangers in national nature reserves, suburban forest parks, scenic spots, cemeteries, etc., to ensure that in the event of a fire, “hit early, small, and hard.” ”

Mafanggou checkpoint guard

< span>Night watch at Niujia checkpoint

V. Material reserves in place

The town party committee has always strengthened the reserve and management of forest protection and fire-fighting materials, and actively improved the prevention and disposal of forest fires. The material support capacity is equipped with 8 water trucks, 3 fixed patrol vehicles, 2 high-pressure water mist, 500 boxes of fire extinguishing bombs, 800 kettles, 700 shovels, 300 iron brooms and other corresponding materials. A solid foundation for forest fire prevention work.

Waterwheel inspection and spraying

Standby material reserve

Six, supervision and management in place< /span>

In order to further consolidate responsibilities, the main leaders of the town party and government, members of various teams, and the town discipline inspection office Go deep into the frontier positions of forest protection and fire prevention, supervise and inspect the on-duty personnel at checkpoints and bayonet ports to prevent the occurrence of off-duty and vacant posts, ensure full coverage of forest fire protection responsibilities, and make every effort to ensure the successful completion of forest protection and fire prevention in Jinci Town.

Li Quanlin, Member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee and Secretary of the Party Committee of Jinci Town, and Meng Jianyong, the mayor of the town, checked the situation of each checkpoint

Li Quanlin, Member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee and Secretary of the Party Committee of Jinci Town, Town Discipline Inspection Secretary Zhang Zhijie checks the situation of each bayonet

Next, Jinci Town will take a high sense of political responsibility to effectively prevent fire Responsibilities and various measures should be carefully, solidly, and implemented, go all out to build a steel defense line to prevent forest fires, and resolutely protect the green waters and green mountains of one party.

Source: Published by Jinyuan