Jinyuan District, Taiyuan City: District CPPCC organizing committee members condolences to the “epidemic” line staff

Consolidate the “political” energy and “cooperate” to fight the epidemic

On April 14, Tian Rui and He Jianguo, vice chairmen of the CPPCC Jinyuan District, Taiyuan City, led some members of the CPPCC and government officials into Jinyuan Street to express their condolences to the frontline of epidemic prevention and control. staff, and sent masks, mineral water, milk and other anti-epidemic materials.

The condolence group came to Eguidian Village, Jinyuan Community, Longtan Community and other places successively, and inquired about the local epidemic situation in detail in each place. We will listen to the thoughts, feelings and expectations of the front-line cadres of epidemic prevention and control, personnel team, logistics support, etc., and express our thanks to the comrades who are silently sticking to the epidemic prevention work day and night. At the same time, we must strengthen our own protection, pay attention to epidemic prevention and safety, help each other, overcome difficulties together, and jointly protect our homeland.

Chairmen Shi Yiqing and Hao Zhifeng also expressed that the front-line staff in the whole district will stick to the front line day and night under the circumstance of tight schedule and heavy tasks. , laying a solid foundation for the whole region to win this battle against epidemic prevention. Since the current round of the new crown epidemic, the district CPPCC has called on all members to improve their political positions, deepen their ideological understanding, extensively carry out volunteer services, donate money and materials, and use practical actions to provide warm-hearted services to the front-line cadres and the masses, and conscientiously perform their duties. Join hands to build a strong line of defense, fully demonstrate the responsibility and style of the CPPCC members in the new era, and make due contributions to the overall victory of the CPPCC in the region’s fight against the epidemic.

Source: Published by Jinyuan