Jingdezhen Third People’s Hospital cooperates with multiple departments to escort college students (pictures)

On-site hospital delivery (photo courtesy of Zhan Xiao)

Candidates on site after surgery Photo courtesy)

Dajiang Net/Jingdezhen Headline Client News correspondent Zhanxiao reported: On the evening of the first day of the college entrance examination in 2022, the No. 1 General Surgery Department of the Third People’s Hospital of Jingdezhen was admitted. A candidate with a sudden spontaneous pneumothorax with a lung compression of more than 50%.

It is understood that the candidate Sun developed symptoms of chest pain and dyspnea that afternoon. He did not come to the third city hospital for medical treatment until the evening due to taking the college entrance examination. The attending physician of the First Department of General Surgery, Cao Yubin Immediately inhaled oxygen and reported to the director of the department as soon as possible. The director of the department, Cao Feng, and head nurse Zhan Xiao immediately organized a consultation to discuss the condition, worked out the best treatment plan, and urgently performed closed thoracic drainage. The operation went well, and the patient’s symptoms improved significantly after the operation. Because Sun is in the period of the college entrance examination, and both himself and his parents have a strong desire to take the college entrance examination, the situation is special, and the hospital urgently activates an emergency plan while treating.

Li Xinfa, secretary of the party committee of the hospital, and Ying Xueming, the dean of the hospital, were very concerned about the condition of the candidates. Leaders from the Municipal Health and Health Commission, the Education Bureau, and the Principal of No. 16 Middle School also came to the hospital to learn about the condition, study the plan, and care for Sun. Although Sun has temporarily undergone drainage surgery, he still needs to be closely observed, and there is a greater risk in participating in the college entrance examination. The leaders of the Municipal Health and Health Commission, the Municipal Education Bureau, and the Municipal Third Hospital decided to do their best to create the best conditions and use the most complete treatment plan to help the candidate complete the college entrance examination after further soliciting the opinions of candidates and parents. Xiang Yang, assistant to the dean, and Meng Weiwen, chief of the medical department, actively coordinated. After contacting the city’s 120 center, an ambulance was specially dispatched to escort in and out of the examination room. The materials were adequately prepared. Carry the oxygen and other equipment needed by the patient to ensure the safety of the child during the exam, and provide medical security services at any time to properly handle various situations. At 11 a.m. on June 9, under the careful escort of medical staff, Sun successfully completed the college entrance examination.

Sun’s mother said that the child is lucky. After 12 years of hard work, he did not miss an important exam in his life. He sincerely thanks leaders at all levels and the hospital for their care and help. At present, all of Sun’s vital signs are stable, and he has successfully completed the exam and returned to the ward for further treatment.

Director Cao Feng of the First Department of General Surgery of the hospital specially reminded that candidates should prepare for the exam scientifically, combine work and rest, reduce staying up late, and exercise moderately in the spare time of intense study. For students who have been diagnosed with bullae, they should also avoid strenuous exercise, coughing, bending over to lift heavy objects, defecation forcefully, laughing, etc., so as to avoid the rupture of bullae and cause pneumothorax.