Jingdezhen Stomatological Hospital delivers “big health” through “small screen” (Photo)

Dajiang Net/Jingdezhen Headline Client News correspondent Hong Qianqian and reporter Shao Wenyan reported: “Our teeth are the hardest organs in the human body, we must take good care of us Healthy teeth, health starts with ‘tooth’!” Recently, Jingdezhen Stomatological Hospital conducted a live webcast at Mengyao Square, Taoxichuan Market. Xu Fang, an expert from the hospital, turned into an “anchor”, disseminating oral health knowledge to netizens, and educating how to protect oral health in daily life.

Live (Photo courtesy of Hong Qianqian)

On-site inspection for citizens Teeth (Photo courtesy of Hong Qianqian)

On that day, Tao Xichuan’s offline health public welfare booth attracted the attention and interaction of many tourists on the street. During the live broadcast, Xu Fang conducted a detailed analysis and guidance on the questions raised by netizens, and also publicized the related knowledge of normalized epidemic prevention and control, pension prevention and fraud prevention that everyone cares about, and everyone said that they benefited.

It is understood that Jingdezhen Stomatological Hospital, in combination with the current live broadcast boom, actively explores new popular science methods and builds a new science popularization position. Starting from the hot spots and focuses of the city’s employees and the public, it delivers professional expertise to netizens. , authoritative and interesting health science knowledge and recommend high-quality medical resources.

This live broadcast of Jingdezhen Stomatological Hospital conveys the concept of “big health” to the masses through the “small screen”, transforms professional health knowledge into more attractive and appealing popular science content, and makes health knowledge popularized It is more timely, knowledgeable and interesting, expands the coverage and awareness of popular science propaganda, builds the health of the whole people, and contributes to the creation of a high-quality business environment for Jingdezhen enterprises.