Jinan, Shandong: No medical institution may delay patient treatment for reasons such as “no nucleic acid test certificate”

On the afternoon of April 2, the press conference on epidemic prevention and control held in Jinan City, Shandong Province announced that Jinan has improved the medical security work plan during the epidemic, and various medical institutions at all levels in the city (including provincially-managed medical institutions in Ji’an) Formulate the medical service process, standardization and management operation mechanism under the conditions of epidemic prevention and control. All medical institutions that provide emergency services shall set up buffer zones in emergency departments, and treat critically ill patients who cannot provide negative nucleic acid test certificates, such as chest pain, stroke, pregnant women, and patients with severe trauma. No medical institution may suspend treatment at will, and may not delay the treatment of patients on grounds such as “no nucleic acid test certificate”, and may not refuse to accept patients with fever who refuse to be diagnosed.

At the same time, Jinan’s dynamic mapping to grasp the medical needs of key groups and timely disposal. For critically ill patients, the community or isolation point arranges staff to contact designated medical institutions and special vehicles in advance, and send them to designated hospitals for treatment “point-to-point”; after the diagnosis and treatment, they will be picked up by special transfer vehicles, and closed-loop management will be implemented. For dialysis patients, pregnant women and other groups, guide and help make appointments to ensure timely and effective treatment. For patients with chronic diseases, the community health service institutions in the jurisdiction take measures such as sending doctors and medicines to their homes.

Text/Reporter Liu Yingchao Liu Yue Song Shuai
