Jimu Sharp Review|Men eat wild mushrooms poisoning hallucinations, don’t try, don’t try, don’t try!

Jimu News commentator Wu Shuangjian

On June 8, a man in Yunnan suffered from hallucinations after being hospitalized for being poisoned by wild mushrooms. In the end, the two of them “singed” together. Experts remind that when eating wild mushrooms, you must be vigilant to prevent poisoning! (According to “Beijing Evening News” on June 9)

“Red umbrella umbrella, white pole, lying on the board together after eating”, which describes the poison of mushrooms, the latter sentence is “laying board, Sleep in the coffin, and then bury the mountains together.”

Man suffers hallucinations after eating wild mushroom poisoning and being hospitalized (picture source: video screenshot)

This The song describes a kind of amanita, also known as Amanita muscaria. Some mushrooms belonging to the amanita species are mostly poisonous. “Red Umbrella” is easy to identify, it is a “bright mushroom”, and people are very vigilant about it. But those wild mushrooms with “white umbrellas and white poles” are the archenemy to guard against.

Expert Li Taihui from the Institute of Microbiology, Guangdong Academy of Sciences gave a speech titled “The Attractive Killer – Poisonous Mushrooms”, I suggest you take a look. It is mentioned that poisonous mushrooms are the “number one killer” of food poisoning deaths in China.

In September 2021, a tragedy occurred in Pingyuan, Meizhou, Guangdong. A family of three grandparents and grandchildren died after being poisoned by eating poisonous mushrooms they picked themselves. Die with soup. This incident was trending at the time. According to the report, the grandmother who was picking mushrooms had been picking mushrooms for decades and had rich experience in mushroom picking, but she encountered the difficult-to-recognize “red mushrooms”, which led to the tragedy.

“Bright-colored ones are poisonous, and plain-looking ones are fine.” This view is wrong and easily misleading. In addition, there are “no poisonous ones with insect eyes” and “no poisonous ones that make silverware black”… These are also unreliable.

Poisonous mushrooms are very confusing: First, they are really hard to tell apart. Like the old grandmother above, some villagers have been eating them for more than ten years, and they think they have excellent identification skills, and they may also be recruited. Second, whether it is poisoning or hallucinogenic is related to the amount of food eaten and the overall functional status of the person. That is to say, if you eat well today, it does not mean that you will be fine tomorrow. A Western expert who studies mushrooms Third, some poisonous mushrooms have a long incubation period after they are eaten, which makes it difficult for you to correlate and misdiagnose; in addition, there is a “false recovery period” after the onset of the disease, which seems to be cured. If you have to be discharged from the hospital, in fact, the next wave of attacks is more dangerous…

In Mushroom, empiricism can kill people.

The reporter noticed that in the follow-up comments of this news, many people are very interested in mushroom hallucinations, and some people even want to “try it”, don’t have this kind of thinking. Because some hallucinogenic mushrooms are controlled by the state as drugs, it is illegal or even criminal to produce and sell “psychedelic mushrooms”. In addition, “hallucination” is a symptom after poisoning, and if it is serious, it will be “fatal”.

Seeing this news, some netizens also said that the season of eating mushrooms in Yunnan is coming. Let’s talk about Yunnan. According to statistics, in 2021, there will be more than 600 poisoning incidents due to edible wild mushrooms in Yunnan Province, resulting in more than 2,000 poisonings and more than 20 deaths.

The dangers of wild mushrooms must be made clear. For us, the important things are said three times: don’t try, don’t try, don’t try! No matter how delicious they are, not eating wild mushrooms is the easiest and most effective way to prevent them. If you want to eat mushrooms, you can go to the vegetable market to buy varieties grown on a large scale.

For villagers in remote rural areas, the relevant departments must increase publicity and popularization efforts, so that they can be more vigilant and aware of the dangers of wild mushrooms. At the same time, the relevant departments should also increase the crackdown on the production and sale of “psychedelic mushrooms” to eliminate hidden dangers.