Jilin: Speeding up the construction of makeshift hospitals, sufficient quantity of daily necessities, and overall stable prices

Scientific Epidemic Prevention | Jilin: Speed ​​up the construction of makeshift hospitals, sufficient quantity of daily necessities, and overall stable prices

CCTV News: In the past few days, the epidemic situation in Jilin has been severe. On March 16, Jilin held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control to report the epidemic situation and the living conditions of citizens.

The press conference was still held online. Zhang Li, deputy director of the Jilin Provincial Health and Health Commission, reported the latest situation of the current round of the epidemic in Jilin, and the publisher introduced the latest progress of epidemic prevention and control. The first is to go all out to carry out medical treatment. Changchun and Jilin cities rushed to the construction period, expanded capacity, and accelerated the construction of makeshift hospitals. As of 5:00 on the 15th, there were 23 designated hospitals for new coronary pneumonia and 8 makeshift hospitals in Jilin Province. Infected. The other is to vigorously promote the new technology of antigen detection. The first batch of 8.956 million antigen detection reagents has been delivered, which has improved the speed of detection.

The press conference also introduced the situation of Fangcang cabin hospitals. Up to now, Jilin Province has built 8 prescription cabin hospitals with a total of 11,488 beds. At present, more than 95% of hospitalized cases in the province are asymptomatic infections and mild cases. Jilin Province, in accordance with the latest requirements of the Ninth Edition of the National Health Commission’s New Crown Diagnosis and Treatment Plan, sent confirmed cases and severe patients to designated hospitals for treatment, mild patients and asymptomatic infections to Fangcang shelter hospitals for treatment, and close contacts to centralized isolation points. Isolate from the shelter isolation point, and the second-closest contact person adopts the method of home isolation.

The press conference also gave an introduction to the supply of materials that citizens are concerned about. At present, the quantity of daily necessities is sufficient and the prices are stable. Changchun and Jilin cities reserve rice, flour, cooking oil, pork, vegetables and other daily necessities, which can guarantee the supply of the whole city for more than 7 days.