Jilin has 94 new confirmed cases and 80 asymptomatic infections


Original title: Jilin Provincial Health Commission’s Circular on the Epidemic of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (announced on March 9, 2022)

March 8 0-24:00 , Jilin Province added 94 local confirmed cases (including 93 mild cases and 1 ordinary case), including 73 cases in Jilin City, 12 cases in Changchun City, and 9 cases in Yanbian Prefecture; 80 new cases of local asymptomatic infections were added in the province, Among them, there are 65 cases in Jilin City, 10 cases in Changchun City, 2 cases in Yanbian Prefecture, 2 cases in Meihekou City, and 1 case in Songyuan City. The above infected people have been transferred to designated medical institutions for isolation and treatment, and the close contacts and sub-close contacts of the above people have been traced and checked, and control measures have been implemented, and their living and workplaces have been terminally disinfected.

Remind the general public to pay close attention to the dynamic information of the epidemic released in various places. If there is an intersection with the trajectory of the positive infection, or there is a recent history of living in the area where the epidemic occurred, please take the initiative to report to the local community (village) immediately. Or report from the disease control agency, and cooperate with relevant epidemic control measures as required. If you have acute respiratory symptoms such as fever and cough, please wear a medical mask and go to the fever clinic of a designated local medical institution in time. Inoculation of the new crown vaccine is an effective measure to prevent the new crown pneumonia. The general public is requested to take the initiative to vaccinate as soon as possible. Everyone must maintain a normal awareness of prevention and control, insist on wearing masks when going out, wash hands frequently, ventilate frequently, maintain social distance, do not have meals, do not gather, and reduce Risk of disease infection.

Source: Jilin Provincial Health Commission website

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